In a trimix blend do you drop the amount of o2 from 21% to lower for a deep dive?
not necessarily. you can keep O2 at 21% (or higher), but the helium that replaces some of the nitrogen will reduce the narcotic effects of nitrogen, thus reducing nitrogen narcosis.
you can also drop the O2 lower than 21% to increase the depth to which you can dive without worrying about oxygen toxicity.
and does this not create a problem before you get to depth?
if your mix is too "lean" to breathe at shallower depths, you will take a "travel" mix to get you to the proper depth, then you switch to the hypoxic mix. however, even leaner mixes tend not to be a problem if you will be descending quickly, as you will reach a "safe" depth rather quickly. of course, that's not the case in truly lean mixes for extremely deep diving.
generally, mixes of more than 18% O2 do not require a travel gas
How low does the o2% have to be before you run into a problem?
as pescador775 says, the issue is partial pressure, not percentage of mix, so you have to take into account what a particular percentage of O2 at the surface will provide you, partial pressure-wise, at depth
generally speaking a .18 ATA is considered the lowest partial pressure needed to keep you conscious
1.8 ATA is considered the highest safe partial pressure (by the Navy). other agencies suggest a 1.6 ATA maximum during the working portion of the dive, 1.6 ATA during deco stops
so, you are talking about keeping your O2 mixes at a partial pressure of between .18 ATA and 1.8 ATA for safe diving (keep in mind, the deeper you go, the higher your partial pressure will get)