I'm going to make everyone envious and link you to where I'm currently taking my rescue course (NCSU). Specifically, note the use of mirrors...
Click on "hfsd.wmv"--(head first surface dive). It looks like crap but that's me doing a head first surface dive...I was having "one of those days" as I believe someone mentioned previously in the thread. In the first few seconds you should be able to see some of the mirrors on side. There are two groups of mirrors with about a 5ish-ft. separation between the two in the middle of the pool. Other than that they span the entire length of that wall. The mirrors are incredibly helpful whenever we're on scuba. As a side note--the video that we take is also quite helpful. Although, I will completely agree that you can do perfectly until the camera rolls and then everything goes to crap!
To see other divers in our class doing things--
For more info on the class itself--
If any of you want to brush up on your basic skin diving/scuba skills, here you go! These are quite helpful and highly recommended.
Note: I'm not sure of the legality of linking you guys to all this stuff, but it's on the internet so that might make it public domain? Either way I hope I don't get in trouble...
This is mainly a rescue course, but I believe that if we complete it correclty we also get our advanced cert, plus DAN advanced O2 provider, CPR, etc as well. I'm not 100% entirely sure which agencies we get the certs from but they're either from NAUI or IANTD. I believe what we do at NCSU satisfies the requirements for both. I do know, however, that it is NOT PADI.
btw--if you want to look at any of my other videos, hit me as hard as you can with the critiques.

Remember, though, that I'm a new diver with only 12 open water dives under my belt (6 of which were for certification).