The "baby shrimp" is a fairly common occurrence during the backwards kick. It's a great way to setup the headspin helicopter turn, but may not be what you're looking for

As folks have said, keeping your head up is a big first step. This helps a) improve team awareness and b) keep your center of gravity aligned. I have a medium body and an XL head. . .so I have to keep my head up to prevent that lawn dart effect. Dropping my head makes my feet go up.
The big problem is that the tips of the fins tend to grab the water while you're extending backwards. Once the tips curl, the rest of the fin wants to follow. So if you're extending your legs back during the loading stroke and the tips curl up, the rest of the fin naturally wants to go up as well. Then when you perform the power stroke, you pull yourself upwards instead of back.
There are many ways around this, and depending on what you can do, many will work. In the video, we emphasize a) bringing the fins together in a v-formation, and b) extending back and down. Bringing the fins together in a v may help reduce the chances of the tips curling up, but may decrease your stability, as your feet will be close together. It's important that you setup the fins prior to extending for the loading stroke though; once those fin tips start to curl, you'll have to work twice as hard to prevent that from happening. And if you make any movements that aren't focused on moving you backwards, you will go forwards

The last tip I can impart is that you must go slowly when you extend for the loading stroke; your fins are designed to impart foward motion, and any movement may be converted into that unknowingly. Moving slowly prevents any accidental force from moving you forward (think space walking). Of course, in order to move slowly and purposefully, you must be stable in the water.
But don't worry; perfect practice makes perfect. And hey, it's a bit advanced, but if you have some way to create a movie file online of your diving/kicks, I'd be happy to look at it and let you know how to tweek it a bit. Just drop the link to me at
joe talavera