I just have to smile reading this thread. I posted a thread in this same category a few weeks ago titled “Double tank manifolds, bad idea!” in that thread (just a few down from this one) I said:
“You have just installed a complicated life support system behind your back! These valves are difficult to reach (at best) and impossible to see, sure, it can be done (valve drills and all) but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. Fumbling with valves behind my head at depth in a stressful, life threatening situation is not inconvenient it’s dangerous and unnecessary”
Well, the reaction from most people on here was, shall we say “less than supporting”.
I understand your taking a class and have to do it “there way” to get through the class, but you should read that thread. You say you haven’t bought your rig yet, so before you spend $200 to $300 bucks on a manifold--you may not be comfortable with--give Independent Doubles a try. There are many advantages to that configuration that the “manifold doubles are THE only configuration crowd” won’t tell you, or more than likely don’t realize themselves.
Yoga! Fingerwalking! See a good neuromuscular therapist! OK, I guess……or you could do what I do in an emergency: switch regulators, DONE.