Treasure Hunt

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Washington State
My wife and I are thinking about going to the Treasure Hunt in Tacoma. Can anyone tell me what the vis is like with all the divers underwater at the same time? Any other safety items to be aware of with that many divers?

Vis will probably be pretty low. Get there early so you dont have to walk too far with all your gear. You should be able to drop it at the bottom and have the wife stay with it while you find a parking spot. With all these divers in the water you could get your reg kicked loose, so be confindent in your regulator recovery. Just Be Safe.

I'm going to have a booth and I plan on gettting there real early. Just so I can park at the bottom. This is going to be a great day and fun had by all. Stop by Booth 15 and say Hi.
What is the max depth? I've done an Easter Egg hunt dive before that was 20' maximum. Next time I would take take a snorkel and leave the scuba gear at home. You may really want to do the dive; however, I recall feeling that hauling my gear around wasn't worth 15 minutes underwater.
Maybe I'm behind on things, but what is the treasure hunt and when? Is it past now?
Divers from our shop went up to Tacoma last year for the treasure hunt and they came back unhappy with the experience. The vis dropped to nothing, people were kicking each other and some divers had treasure yanked out of their hands. They won't be back and I won't bother.
The Treasure Hunt was last weekend. It was at Owens Beach in Tacoma. There wasn't as many divers as last year. Its still a tough dive with low vis and too many divers. The sad part about this year is there were a gropup of free divers there. They could stay down longer and were finding a bunch of the hidden golf balls. they were giving them to the other snorklers. By the time it was time for the scuba divers there were only 9 golf balls left. I think the group that put this on will get that fixed for next year. It was still a good time to see the vendor and their gear. i'll go back next year.

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