treasure diving in harbor you do it?

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Not really a loot hunting dive, but during my deep class my instructor found a new Sea and Sea strobe - looks like it's former owner hadn't tightened the arm to the housing :wacko:

He's since left the country :D

I was about 5 feet behind him when he picked it up. I missed a Princeton Tec light the day before by about 3 feet as well which my buddy picked up (but it was a small one).
Silver ring, t-shirt, mask and an old bottle. One of my instructors has a collection of seven wedding rings. They have been successful in returning most of the class rings to the owner. :)
My buddy and I went to a popular swimming lake one fall to pick up the goodies she had seen there during the summer while snorkeling. My buddy led the dive and picked up a couple masks, a perfectly good snorkel, two or three oars, a disc for disc golf, a broken fishing rod with a nice reel attached...LOTS of other stuff. I got a broken sandal and a trick-or-treat bucket & some other trash. After we surfaced she said, wow, it's like Christmas! and I said yeah, if you get trash for Christmas. LOL it was a fun dive.
Yeah, the majority of it is all trash but it's still cool finding all of that stuff.

About a month ago we were diving in a quarry and my instructor found a leather duffel bag full of stereo equipment with cut-off wires. Heh...wonder how that ended up there :)

We found a couple of smaller backup dive lights, one that even worked yet! It was pretty neat.
We've found all kinds of things.....mostly "worthless", but we sure like collecting them.
We've found old bottles, dishes, tools, and a .22 rifle! For some reason we keep coming across forests of bike tires! Weird!
I found a pair of sissors, pliers, 3 knives, a shopping cart. a 'No Swimming" sign, six golf balls, and a cell phone.

On one dive.
Dang...that's a heck of a find on one dive. It's kinda fun to find that junk...we've found a few toilets underwater, those always make for good photos.
Ahhh...see, we don't get lobsters around here. Crayfish, maybe...but no lobsters :)
I've actually done it in New Bedford harbor a few times. (I see that you are from there.) Didn't find any buried treasure, but once I did retrieve a 40 bag of scallops that an unloading boat had dropped over the side.

You would be amazed at how much life there is in the harbor. Unfortunately, the visibility is usually very poor when the water warms up.

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