Traveler's cheques

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Do business (dive shops, hotels, stores) accept traveler's cheques? Can they cash them into BZ$? Are there any fees involved? Do I get the straight 2:1 rate?

In our experience, bigger business accept them, smaller ones often not, and, as of a few years ago when we were in Belize, many charge extra if you use charge cards or traveler's checques. If you know ahead where you're planning to stay, ask ahead; we used a combination of cashier's checks, traveler's checques, VISA card, and cash.

It makes me feel better to have them with me because if I lost everything (including the checques, ATM card, charge card, cash) I could have the TCs replaced; it's worked for others but - gratefully - I've never had the need. I rarely use them in CA unless a Spanish school, dive shop, or lodging option requests them for payment or charges more if I use my VISA card since I don't like to pack around much cash; this happened 3 places on a recent trip to Honduras. What I don't use I just save for another trip, but you can cash them in at the bank when you get home if you'd rather.
Travelers' cheques? They still make traveler's cheques? I don't think we've used them since the mid 90's, nor have we needed them. Not specificly in Belize, but, everywhere else.

All the best, James
I own 3 retail stores - all in tourist areas, and we rarely even see traveler's checks anymore (maybe like once a month or less at all 3 stores combined).

If you're wanting to do something like that, I would suggest a visa gift card, where you can put a balance on it, and use it, or just keep the money in your bank account, and use your debit card. When you charge items in other countries, you get a better rate usually than the cash exchange rate from a bank or otherwise.

Some hotels may try to charge you a fee for using a CC, so check with them in advance.

I wouldn't advise an american express check card, becuase not everone takes amex.

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