Suggestion Travel Safety ignored by most travel mags.

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I have noticed that most travel and dive magazines do not pay attention to unrest and violence at various locations. For example in a recent dive mag there were articles about how great the Philippines and Indonesian islands are, yet there are some areas that are simply too dangerous for us to be in at both places. Some years there are a 1000 murders in Jamaca yet there are articles that mention nothing about being careful about where you go. There are several sites posted by the government on current situations in foreign countries that ScubaBoard ,as well as other dive/travel mags, could advise travelers to visit before planning a trip. I know mags are limited as to time frames on getting a mag out and current events. You can't simply say people should just be careful. It needs to be covered and you should have a site on current events.
You can only make money on fear if you are selling defense items or burgular alarms.

Everything will always be positive on a location unless there are dead bodies hanging in the streets and I would venture to say even then if the location "donates" greatly to a mag by advertising.

Before I travel to a new location I actually go to the CIA website and do an area check. A good example is there are locations in Mexico where people hear nothing but good things about and yet there are epidemic tourist kidnappings.

You have to do your own research.....not believe a mag.....especially a dive mag.
If they started talking about the dangers of visiting certain dive locations, they'd have to mention a number of them here in the States, too!

One does need to do a bit of research before traveling to some locations. However, some of the warnings also seem a bit overblown.
If they started talking about the dangers of visiting certain dive locations, they'd have to mention a number of them here in the States, too!

One does need to do a bit of research before traveling to some locations. However, some of the warnings also seem a bit overblown.

No Sir. I am in a Law Enforcement position and receive various up to date message from different agencies. I also check on line, available to the public , web sites that have updates on the safety of location. You do not have all the warnings and please do not downplay the danger in some areas of the world. The whole world is not crazy but there are some places that need to be avoided. KD
No Sir. I am in a Law Enforcement position and receive various up to date message from different agencies. I also check on line, available to the public , web sites that have updates on the safety of location. You do not have all the warnings and please do not downplay the danger in some areas of the world. The whole world is not crazy but there are some places that need to be avoided. KD

And you don't think any of those places exist in the US?
Yup, I better stay home today.

But seriously, it is up to each individual to do their homework about places they want to vist. I doubt industry magazines will feature areas where there statistics indicate a high level of risk?

If you are not comfortable don't go. Having spent considerable time living in the Philipppines and visiting Indonesia, I have never felt threatened while there. There are problems anywhere in the world, that is true. Common sense and a bit of local knowledge will help avoid a majority of problems. I always maintain that I feel more threatened by the lack of coherent road rules in most places outside the US, vs murder, robbery, etc.
I would ditto what Kupu said. I live in the Philippines and find the place to be exceptionally welcoming and safe. I have simular views of Malaysia, Thailand, Belize and numerous middle-eastern countries. I would feel considerably less safe in London or NY.

The problems occuring in some less developed countries are often over-exagerated by the media, especially where islamic fundamentalism may be concerned. In contrast, the problems endemic in western countries recieve a very good PR job and troubling issues fail to make headlines.
Yes Mikemill they do exist in the US. One would be my house depending on my wife's day. But, as several have suggested about travelers checking before they leave, sites should be posted so that they could get fairly recently information. And travelers should be made aware that they should spend time doing their homework.
DevonDiver; Do you live near the southern islands of Mindanao or Sulu Archipelago. I understand that terrorist there have bombed a few places and target foreigners for kidnappings. Where would you recommend as really great place to go in the Philippines?
KD not sure where you are getting your statistics from,
thought you should read this website,
The US has more murders per capita than Malaysia or Indonesia.
It is ranked 24th, and by the looks of it, it prides itself as being the top of western countries.
Murders (per capita) statistics - countries compared - NationMaster

The UK, South Africa and Canada seem to have the most kidnappings also by statistics
Kidnappings by country. Definition, graph and map.
Darn! I'm pretty happy about our murder rates. Not near as bad as lots. I knew Jamaca was bad but didn't know it rated third. Papua New Guinea is worse than I realized. Now according to your referenced web page Jamaca's murder rate is three times greater than the US and Papua is twice as high. My point. Travel advise given says go there and have lots of fun , but does not give any info on where to look for problem spots. I know that most people just don't pay attention to whats going on and just look at whats printed. And the US has a very accurate crime reporting system. I wonder if the less developed countries have all their murders reported and where would they rate if all were reported.
And it was never about stats or numbers, its what is going on right now that might get tourist in trouble if they go to certain places.

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