Travel Insurance

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Xenia, OH
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50 - 99
Has anyone ever bought travel insurance? My honeymoon is planned for June. A week in Bonaire and a week in Curacao. My fiance is a bit concerned though because of the possible impact of war on the airlines, particualrly American Airlines who we have tickets on and is already in trouble.
I have taken a couple of kinds of insurance. First of all I have DAN insurance which gives some coverage.

But the one I think that would be good for you to take as well is the one where you make all the reservations....and for usually $50 if they have to be cancelled all you lose is the $50 and not your plane fees yada is worth it to me.

Clue us in on how bonaire went.....i have heard a number of conflicting stories.
We take a cruise from time to time and I usually book over a year in advance. Because of that, I take out trip insurance for the amount of the cruise. MOST trip insurance says it will NOT pay off due to delay caused due to ACTS OF WAR. Someone can get sick and they'll pay, but if Mr Bush decides to ZAP those suckers in IRAQ, the insurance probably won't cover.

As to other points. Most of the US Airlines have said that if a war takes place, they will waive any fees to change flights. I can's speak for the one you are planning to fly, but have seen several places that the major carriers will allow a change to the tickets.

As for Curacao and Bonaire, you should be able to get to them and enjoy yourself even if a war is underway in Iraq.... Think positive thoughts, when Mr. Bush turns the boys loose in Iraq, the war will be over very quickly.
Check the policy carefully and make sure it covers what you're concerned about. Some have changed to include "acts of terrorism," but only if they occur at your departure city or your destination. The next thing is to compare what you'd be out with and without the insurance if you had to cancel (cost of the policy and deductable vs what you'd get back if you didn't have the insurance). The cancellation insurance isn't always worthwhile.

Something else to keep in mind is that in the last few weeks several tour operators, hotel groups and cruise lines have issued new cancellation policies that will allow cancellation for any reason up to 24hrs prior to departure with full credit. The catch is that it's a credit and you have to travel within a year.
..items I've written recently:

I. "I get questions about is travel insurance worth it? IMHO, it depends. Author: DocVikingo; Date: 11-21-02 10:34

This discussion focuses on classical travel insurance, not the far more focussed dive accident insurance, or DAN H20 or DEPP dive & photo gear insurance.

While all of the better dive accident insurance plans do include trip cancellation & interruption benefits, these are essentially limited to cancellations/interruptions based on your sustaining a medical condition that precludes safe diving. Unlike many general travel insurance policies, they do not cover cancellations/interruptions for death or illness of a close family member, strikes/collapses/bankruptcies of common carriers & travel agencies, civil unrest at a destination, hurricanes & other natural disasters, and the like.

Because of such factors as sustained terrorism fears post 911, new airline rules severely limiting changes made to non-refundable tickets, movement of individuals from traditional third party payer medical insurance plans to HMOs, divers are left feeling as if their scuba vacations are more at risk than ever.

Not surprisingly, the number of people purchasing general travel insurance has increased by about 20% post-911.

Is it for you?

I personally have never purchased it, nor yet needed it. I agree with "Consumer Reports" that it's probably the most over-priced, and confusing, of all travel services.

Based on the policy costs of 4 1/2 % to 7% of the price of the vacation, I'd estimate that had I secured good quality general travel insurance for every dive trip I've taken to date it would come to about $10,000. Even in the event that my normal credit card protections, top of the line DAN dive insurance policy, homeowner's policy or some other existing coverage didn't address my particular trip cancellation/interruption issues, this savings to date could absorb a couple of big hits.

Now, this isn't to say that I'd never, under any circumstances, buy it. If I had a terminally ill parent and very big dollar trip set up to an exotic destination during typhoon season that was currently experiencing civil unrest, I very likely would. But, barring unusual circumstances I simply do not think it's a good value for the otherwise properly insured diver.

However, I understand that the personal circumstances & levels of comfort for risk are highly idiosyncratic, and I appreciate that others may want to seriously explore such policies.

In doing this, one should first determine exactly what coverage they feel they need based on their present circumstances & already existing coverage.

Next, go the websites of the major players (*many listed below) to see what they offer and how much it costs. When you do this, please be very careful about the fine print. For example, some plans cover you only if a travel company/airline formally files for bankruptcy protection (and not every policy covers every bankruptcy). Other policies leave it up to the US State Department, law enforcement agencies or news media outlets, not you, to define what constitutes a terrorist attack, foreign or domestic. They may set limits on how close the attack has to be to your destination before it goes into effect--this may or may not fit your personal comfort zone. And, you generally must buy the policy before violence erupts to be covered.

Here is a Travel Insurance Comparison Site that purports to list insurance plans, and to allow for comparisons based
on coverage & cost. I haven't road tested it, but it looks promising.

*Travel Guard International; 800-826-4919;

Travelex Insurance Services; 800-228-9792;

Travel Insured International; 800-243-3174;

HTH Worldwide; 888-243-2358;

Access America; 800-284-8300;

CSA Plan; 800-348-9505;"

II. More of "I get questions about travel insurance."+
Author: DocVikingo Date: 02-24-03 13:17

RE: Is It Worth It?

Here's some more things to think about:

1. Probably not a good idea to buy a policy from an insurer who also happens to be the travel provider, e.g., some cruise ship lines. The wisdom of this should be obvious.

2. Consider buying primary rather than secondary coverage. It'll be a whole lot simpler in the long run. Don't have to worry about collecting from all other sources, e.g., home owner's, and documenting everything ad nauseum.

Related to this, have a grasp of what your car, home, medical, etc., insurance already cover. For exmple, do they remain in effect when you're in a foreign country?

3. Be sure to read the fine print regarding events under your own control. This covers distinctions between situations as missing a flight due to oversleeping v being stuck in an accident, or being unable to go due to a medical illness v boss saying an unexpected project is more important than scuba.

4. What with terrorism & the threat of war, be sure you understand what a policy covers. For example, many policies require a State Department warning of some sort.

5. Plan for the worst. It's the initial policy amount that costs the most. Adding extra amounts of coverage is often a bargain. Don't get silly about it, but buy enough to cover the worst case scenario.

6. A pet peeve of mine. Know what a policy excludes in terms of pre-existing medical conditions." If an old injury/illness interrupts a dive trip, you could be out of luck.

7. Know what the policy says about your obligations to notify the insurer & substantiate your claims. Insurers will cut their losses at your expense if you don't follow the rules."

Best regards.

Airline: American Airlines
Event: Military Action or Code Red
Destination: International or Domestic
Customers Eligible f/ Revisions: Customers scheduled to
travel within 60 days of the start of military action or code red.
Revision Policy: Revisions must be made w/in 30 days of
commencement of military action or code red or prior to your
original departure date, whichever comes first.

Airline: American Airlines
Event: No military action required
Destination: International
Customers Eligible f/ Revisions: Customers who purchased
tickets between Mar. 7 & Mar. 31, 2003 f/ travel through
Dec. 31, 2003
Revision Policy: Revisions must be made by May 31, 2003 or prior
to your original departure date, whichever comes first.

Hope this helps.

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