Yeah, I believe I was the one who brought up that possible (but not "necessary") element of the bag drag as something that I have yet to figure out the best way to deal with. On the way to Coz, we look forward to lunch in PDC before the ferry. Easy. However, on the way back to Cancun, it's too early for lunch in PDC, and our goal is to leave extra time to account for possible road mishaps and get to the airport at least two if not closer to three hours before our flight. (Others may feel comfortable cutting it closer, as in the original post.) By the time we're ready to board, I have either eaten an airport snack and am regretting it or have gone hungry, but either way it has been quite a few hours since breakfast. I realize I'm rambling on here about nothing, but as far as I'm concerned, apart from some Asian airports and a few airports with branches of well regarded local restaurants, airport food generally sucks and is overpriced. I would not eat a burger from Johnny Rockets even at a non-airport location. I would, however, be interested in bringing a snackito to eat while I wait to board if I knew of a good, quick place to pick one up on the way to CUN. The couple of times we have had the luxury of flying out of CZM (the flight is usually out of our budget, but we were able to use FF miles), the flight left too early for anything more than a simple breakfast.