Many of the Instructors will teach Adv. nitrox & Deco as part of the Apprentice/ Full Cave class if you don't already have it. Instead of posting this on several boards, why don't you come down here and get cave certified and then see if you still feel the same way. If you are already cave certified why don't you rewrite the standards to what you think they should be and send them to the NACD board for approval. Either way do something about it or take NAUI's cave program and quit worrying about the NACD's pre-reqs.
It was a simply question......
So your having a crappy day???
I simply asked a simple question and have till yours, here AND on Deco Stop received adult replies---not snipping ..... I am not 'worried' about NACD's prergs. per say as a precursor to taking full cave (of which I am not doing--simply interested in the topic)....I believe though I meet the NACD's minimum standards or any other agency for a cave program if it were my wishes to get a full cave plastic card.
So my advise to you is get off your high horse and add something 'constructive'....or lurk somewhere else other than my thread.
Thanks to everyone else for your comments and thoughts as they are informative.