This is intentional. Most people don't want to promote solo diving because it is not something that inexperienced divers should be doing. There is also a stigma around solo diving and most solo divers have come to realize that simply not talking about it is the best way to keep from being criticized as well as to minimize possible liability. Solo diving goes against community standards so if someone were to promote it to someone who then got hurt it would be much easier to make a winable lawsuit out of it than it would be with a lot of other issues.
While there are a lot of things about solo diving that I feel should be discussed, if you need advice on how to solo dive safely or you need to talk to someone about it to be comfortable with it then you are not ready to solo dive.
You stated yourself that you do not feel that you are ready to solo dive. This gives me a lot more respect for you than I would have if you thought you were. I agree that you are not ready, but also think that solo diving is not for everyone and you may never be ready.
I dont so much need advice on solo diving safely, and recognise that i am an extremely inexperienced diver when compared to the large majority of people on the boards, expsecially in this forum particularly. I also agree that i may never be ready - but i feel that i have one thing in common that is an important element in solo diving (correct me if im wrong) but the willingness to break the "rules" and a free spirit, an unquenchable thirst for excitement and adventure.
I agree that there really is no point to this forum, especially with the rules that everyone posting on this board had to agree to before posting, if people who are curious -albeit inexperienced- about solo diving to seek the wisdom of those who have gone before them, get there thoughts on which redundant gas systems are more reliable etc.
On that note, i agree that if *I* wanted to read the "solo and you will die" bull, i can go to the PADI or the SSI or the NAUI website.
honestly from what ive read, and i think youll agree with me, more deaths have occured from unqualified people going beyond there limits when diving with a buddy, espcially in caves and wrecks. In some cases having a buddy with you can lull you into a false sense of security, and IMHO, all divers should be prepared to dive solo, even for a minute, in the case of a missing buddy...
anyway. ill be intereted to hear your further thoughts on this. I would like to re-iterate though, that im not ready to DIS, but im am cuious and want to know more.