Suggestion Trader Rating input / non-advertised sale

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Reaction score
Katy, TX, USA (Houston area)
# of dives
0 - 24
Is there any way to provide input on a members Trader Rating when the sale was 'offline' and not ever advertised on ScubaBoard? I want to recognize the very postive experience I had but can't see how to do it in this situation. If it isn't possible currently, I would recommend this functionality be added to the Trader Rating system.

The trader rating requires a thread in order to rate a member.

This makes it possible for our members to research someone's Trader Rating by viewing their history.

Currently, there are no plans to revise this policy.
I understand, but it misses the opportunity to rate a transaction that was not advertised in a thread. While this may be a minority of transactions, they are no less relevant than those posted in a thread first. I would recommend the policy be reviewed and change considered. Thanks.

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