TR - 3-7 to 23 Coz-Deep Blue-Casa del Mar/Paamul-ScubaMex-Hotel Paamul - Part One

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Reaction score
North Dakota
# of dives
200 - 499
Buckle up kids, it going to be a long, verbose ride. Just tried to post this in one thread and it says I have twice as many character than is allowed.

Figured out last year that 2 weeks are mandatory, so we did two weeks and two days this year. Where does it stop?

Flew in to Cozumel for the 7th to the 16th and then took the ferry over to Playa del Carmen and taxied down to Paamul, which
is about 5 miles south of Xcaret, which is about 5 miles south of Playa del Carmen. Each leg might be more like 7 miles or
something. Never did figure that out precisely. We flew back home out of Cancun. The airfare was something like $15 more than
flying back home from Cozumel. The cab ride from Paamul to the Cancun airport was $60. Playa to Paamul was about $18. (US dollars.)
I did my 2 and 3rd resort dives there, by accident of sorts, in 2004. I've been try to get back there ever since.


On Cozumel, my two traveling companions and I stayed at Casa del Mar. I've lost count, but this is probably the 8th or 9th time I've
stayed there. Did one stay at Casa Mexicana after Wilma. Casa del Mar was just right for our small group as usual. I'd suggest this place
for people that want some sort of "beach" area, but don't want to stay at an AI far south. They have hammocks, small palapas and
lounge chairs down by the water. There's a little shore diving and snorkeling. Taxi to the Malecon is still 80 pesos, or about $7us.
The included breakfast buffet with made to order omelets is convenient and good. I've never done the AI, but I manage to eat breakfast,
lunches and a couple suppers there. I've liked everything I've had there and the wait staff and bartenders are excellent. They're really
nice people that have always taken great care of me and a big reason I keep coming back. There's been very little turnover there in the
7 years I've been staying there. I won't go into exhaustive details about the rooms and grounds, but here are a few new things.

No more ice machine. You get ice at the bar. The guys at the bar were really great and let me leave the ice bucket at the bar when
we'd go to the Malecon at night. When we got back it was just a matter of picking it up on the way back to the room, or after a drink or
two, whatever. They don't even bat an eye, though I think I may have been one of the first to ask this. This alone is good reason for me
to keep staying there. (and continue to tip really well). They take my bucket, let me waltz out to eat supper somewhere else, and happily
fill it when I get back. May sound like a little thing, but it's something I notice.

They let you use lockers down on the dock now, for free. All you need to do is bring a paddle-lock or buy one at the little convenience
store 100 feet south of the hotel. I will refrain from a paragraph of praise in all caps, but THANK YOU CASA DEL MAR AND DEL MAR
AQUATICS!!!! This is huge. No more equipment lugging. This is another reason I will continue to stay at Casa del Mar. I don't know
who owns the dock, or Del Mar Aquatics, or what the situation is, but my understanding is that the hotel manager made the request which
allowed this to happen. God Bless him/her, and whoever owns those lockers. I was going to track down the manager, but I figured they
didn't need the discomfort of me slobbering all over them. I managed to not hug each of the Del Mar Aquatics people. It wasn't easy.

The Aqua Bar, across the street, is no longer the Aqua Bar, but it's something else. They have a small snack type menu now, and there
was no live music while I was there. Glad to see it up and running again. Nice place to snorkel from and have something cold to drink after.
Just north, and on the same side of the street, is a restaurant called "Paprika". Didn't eat there, but they're open for breakfast, lunch and
supper and the menu is short, but nice. My friend comment about the bagel sandwiches looking good. This is where the "Mission South"
was located last year or a few years ago. Ernestos is still across the street and 100 feet south.

Oh. Cappuccino Canela at OXXO. There's an OXXO about 1 block north of Casa del Mar. I've said too much.


Dove with Deep Blue again, buddied with a friend that I met on Cozumel a few years back. He's been diving with them for years before
I started. He was able to make it at the last minute to attempt ending my life. Just kidding. He likes to dive hard, so we did 4 tanks a day,
almost every day. We had one morning of Norte, and I sat out that afternoon too. Otherwise it was pretty much 4 a day, 2nd and 4th on Nitrox.
I like to dive too, so it was really nice that he was able to make it there. Deborah, the shop owner, did us a real solid and sent the boat out one
afternoon with just him, me and the divemaster. And Chono. Sweet. Chono took us to a deep site that is rarely done. Actually part of a site.
It was different that anything I've seen in my 170 plus tanks on Cozumel. Thanks Chono, and Deborah. Also filled in two more sites on my
dance card. All I have left of the named/dived sites on the West Side is Chunchakaab. Finally got to Villa Blanca Wall, loved it, and San Clemente,
loved that too. Both were by accident. God bless accidents. They were watching a boat motor one morning so we decided to stay close and do
Villa Blanca, the other was a current change at Cedral, I think. We rolled but thumbed the dive when we got down and the current was going the
wrong way. Great call by the DM. San Clemente is not Tormentos, or Santa Rosa Wall, but the day we were there it was excellent for pictures
and video. Got a nice video of a big green moray out for a stroll. Or a glide. Whatever.

Deep Blue once again did an excellent job. They were extremely accommodating and on top of their game. Kept us on boats, never missed a
Nitrox tank, and did nice skill level diver juggling and management. I sort of let Gary down one afternoon when I decided not to dive, and he was
great about it. It was the Norte day, he was trying to put a boat together, and I wasn't feeling very well. I called him and let him know I couldn't go
out, which in turn meant the boat couldn't go out because he was going to send it out short (only 3 divers) in the first place. When I talked to him
and apologized, he was very cool and said that it was really for the best. It would have gone out with less divers than he really needed on the boat,
and if a person isn't feeling well, diving on top of it isn't a good thing to do. Thanks Gary. You could have had a snarl over the deal and you did
exactly the opposite. This is what I've witnessed in the shop since I've been diving with them, about 7 years now. In that time, I've seen them do
really accommodating things within reason for many divers, including cruise shippers who they may never see again. Btw, love the new
(year ago or so) seat cushions on their boats. Love being at the sites alone too. In 22 boat dives, I don't think we ever ran into another group.
I've gotten used to this in the years I've been diving with them.

As for the rest of the crew at Deep Blue, I am, as always, in real awe. Since I've done a bunch of diving with them, and my buddy is a really good diver,
I wind up on the advanced boat. They know I'm OK, and they let me dive. I got to see some nice DM'ing, as usual. One was a regulator failure,
(not the shop's reg) at Devil's Throat. Um, that's what it was called anyhow. I can't stress enough, especially to new divers, or those that haven't
been diving in awhile, or don't dive much, or those that didn't completely devour everything they were to read when they were trained, BE HONEST
ABOUT YOUR SKILL LEVEL, COMFORT ZONE AND EXPERIENCE. That means on a dive by dive basis if necessary. Let the shop know about
your skill level and any concerns you might have. This is how you get great dives. If you're a big dog, done everything diver, then you know that
any good shop is going to want to see you dive a little before they turn you lose in their playground. Suck it up and go have fun. If you're a new diver,
or have hesitancies about your ability, skill level, or comfort level, let them know. They will work with you to make sure you have a safe, fun, enjoyable time.
If you don't let them know, you're making their job much harder, and you're going be having a less than stellar time. This is true for any shop at any dive
destination in the world. You might look and feel fine in the water, use air well, but are nervous about the dive you're about to make. Tell someone.
Tell the DM. They will help if you let them. I've seen them help many divers under many circumstances. Saw it on this trip as on all the others. Also saw
someone do a dive they probably shouldn't have done and saw the DM save their day, maybe their life. The guy appeared to be a fine diver, had he been
open about his equipment, or maybe his comfort zone, his situation could have been avoided. If he knew he was having regulator problems, he shouldn't
have done the dive. If he was nervous about the dive, he should have said something and steps could have been taken, including him sitting on the boat for
a dive, or we could have gone somewhere else. My buddy and I have done Devil's Throat many times, and it's not a must on my list, or as far as I know, my
dive buddies list. We done most everything, multiple times, so we just go with the flow. As it was, the person sat out the 2nd dive anyhow. Probably a smart
thing to do. I think he was a little shook. He didn't want to do the 2nd tank, even with a different regulator. Good for him. Sometimes it's best to just chill if you're
not feeling up to it.

I dove with Volrath, Luis, Gabriel (who's back at Deep Blue now), Tim, and Isaac. Isaac was a freelancer and started full time with Deep Blue about a year ago.
Great guy. Great addition to the shop. He's got a great pace. Didn't get to dive with Allen, but I saw him on one of their boats at a SI. Had Chono, Roberto and
Polo as captains at one time or another throughout the trip. DM's and captains alike did a great job. Volrath is in a Punk band made up of dive pros on the island.
I'd have given my right…anything, to see them. He's got a great attitude about it. They're just having fun. Sounds like they're doing well. Isaac named the band,
(I think) after Polo in some way or another, and wrote the lyrics to one of their tunes. What a hoot!!!

Listen, everybody and their dog has done Devil's Throat. That doesn't mean it's a 2 ticket fair ride and all you need is two tickets to get on it. It's a nice
enough dive, sure, but it's not worth getting hurt over. If you're not completely confident about doing the dive, don't do it. You're not missing the world.
It's a delicate dive that takes both good dive control and good mental control. Simply because it's a famous dive doesn't mean you have to do it. Don't
let anyone pressure you into doing it either. Just because your group wants to do Devil's Throat doesn't mean you have to do it. Just say, "Sounds cool,
but I'd just as soon do a nice Palancar Gardens.", and get on a different boat. If that doesn't work, come find me and I'll do the Gardens with you, and be
tickled pink about it. Every time I do that site, I think "Yawn" before, and then at the end I think it's one of the nicest sites in Cozumel. Love that. I didn't
actually get there this time, and I'm a little bummed about it. I did get back to Paradise again. Yay. That's another favorite of mine that many ho hum about.
And next time I'm going to throw a real tantrum to get back to Columbia Shallows. Sworn oaths, ripping of clothes, the throwing of oneself prostrate on the floor.
The whole bit. And it's only 25 feet deep. They should make a T-shirt about that. Maybe an "I dove the Shallows" shirt with a picture of a shark farting because
the hard bits on the back of the divers gives him gas. Ok. Off the soap box.


Ate at Kondessa one night. Really liked it. Almost ate at Guido's one night but it was very busy. Never been there but won't go back to the island without
trying it out. The smell outside the place almost made me faint it was so good. Ok, I was kinda hungry. And garlic can make me a little emotional. Finally
made it back to Pescadria San Carlos. (sp?). It's bigger than it was 7 years ago. Will have to get to Kinta next time too, if Kondessa was any indication
of what to expect. Did a few places new to me. Especias, Abuelto's (that's not entirely correct) and Kondessa. Did some of the old favs, like La Choza,
El Foco and the place next to Casa Denis. Can't remember the others, but had good food everywhere. The cheese fondu at Especias is worth the certain
heart attack I'll have one day.

Did Punta Sur and the lighthouse this trip, and the museum, which is a sweet little place. Kinda dark in there. Should have brought the indoor eye glasses.
Didn't get any pepitas until Paamul. Also made it to Coconuts on the East side. Had really good shrimp and got to hear some Steely Dan. Can't beat that.
While at the museum, back at the Mayan Hut, I met a little black and white cat who was very friendly. He was sitting on a rail while I gave him a few scratches.
Right beneath him was a small lizard of some sort. He didn't see it right away, but when he did, he came apart at the seams. The look in his eye conveyed
all of the following: "Oh My God. Lunch!! Did you see that? Why didn't you say something?!! What were you thinking?!!". This was in the space of a millisecond.
Just from the look in his eyes when he met mine. Ok, I felt bad for the lizard, but I couldn't help but chuckle. That cat came unglued.

End Part One. Sheesh.


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