Venturing further off topic, pardon:
Interesting perspective.
Funny how that works.
Schools in rich districts with parents paying for all sorts of extra schooling and tutoring get all the credit for the achievements of "their kids".
Universities that are extremely hard to get into are great because of how they teach, never because of how they filter ... or "weed out"...
And you just put a new perspective on what some swimming instructors might possibly do...
What might a scuba school do? Obviously not hold someone under until it works or else... , but they all filter, for understandable reasons to some extent to weed out the water phobic and non-swimmers. That makes a lot of sense of course. Why scuba schools don't partner up with swim schools or swim instructors (and be it just on a referral basis), that strict "swimming is none of my business, only diving" approach is a little beyond me, but it's how it is. Not saying it is wrong that way, just noticing how it is.
Almost all advise I received on how a water timid person might learn scuba was focused on learning to be a decent swimmer and comfortable in the water first. And it makes a lot of sense in principle. And a non swimmer does really have no business in the water as a diver.
Except, if you've ever seen a person who used to completely panic uncontrolled in deeper water blossom and "light up" on a try dive in a shallow pool, you cannot help but wonder if there could not be a safe combined approach to swimming and diving for such people... to get them to overcome their fears with the aid of diving (controlled, supervised, shallow...) so that they mentally become ready to even accept the task to learn to swim... Just thinkIng aloud.... and thinking that's sort of what happened with a person I know...