I have a question to the very famous Dr. Stein and /or anybody who might have had experience with a similar situation.
I have *new* (diagnosed last weeK) abscess under the tooth with *old* (7 years) crown. The tooth was a bit painfull at times after I did root canal and crown, but it would just get better on its own. (I've been diving for the 2 last years with no problems. ) Last week the gum started swelling really bad with heavy pain, so I went to the doctor (same one who did the old crown). He compared x-rays, and said that there's inflammation "between the roots" - he showed x-ray to me, and I saw between the roots something of different color that hadn't beed there on 7-year old x-rays.
He recommended cutting up abscess - which he did - and 5 days of antibiotic (clindamycin). I'm finishing antibiotic today, and pain is really gone, but the swelling is the same...
Now the question: I'm leaving for (what I planned will be) a week of diving off Grand Cayman on Saturday. My dentist has no idea about diving. I'm trying to understand - is there any specific dangers when diving with abscessed tooth? Anything I should look out for? Do or not do?
Sorry for the long post and Thanks!
I have a question to the very famous Dr. Stein and /or anybody who might have had experience with a similar situation.
I have *new* (diagnosed last weeK) abscess under the tooth with *old* (7 years) crown. The tooth was a bit painfull at times after I did root canal and crown, but it would just get better on its own. (I've been diving for the 2 last years with no problems. ) Last week the gum started swelling really bad with heavy pain, so I went to the doctor (same one who did the old crown). He compared x-rays, and said that there's inflammation "between the roots" - he showed x-ray to me, and I saw between the roots something of different color that hadn't beed there on 7-year old x-rays.
He recommended cutting up abscess - which he did - and 5 days of antibiotic (clindamycin). I'm finishing antibiotic today, and pain is really gone, but the swelling is the same...
Now the question: I'm leaving for (what I planned will be) a week of diving off Grand Cayman on Saturday. My dentist has no idea about diving. I'm trying to understand - is there any specific dangers when diving with abscessed tooth? Anything I should look out for? Do or not do?
Sorry for the long post and Thanks!