To what pressure are you filling your PST 104s to?

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I have heard that you can consistantly overfill PST 104s (3000 psi) and still pass hydros. I was just wondering if you guys who have these tanks, and have had for a while know anything about this.

As a side note: I got to see my first big shark the other day. As we were swimming along we happened upon a 10 - 12 foot thresher or nurse shark. I was so excited that I barely got a picture of it. I should be getting them developed Monday... can't wait.

Scrappy :D
My diving buddy just purchased some PST 104's. Its my understanding that the max fill is 2640 psi. You might pass the first hydro but maybe not the 2nd or 3rd etc, etc. You may not get the full useful life out of the tanks.
I just got back from Florida, cave country. My BELIEF is that it is very common to fill the tanks to 3,000 and beyond with little ill effect. Myself, I have Fabers. They are advertised as being rated for 10,000 fills to 4,000 psi, even though they too are rated for 2650 in the US.

I BELIEVE that your tanks could be overfilled to 3,000 and still pass hydros just fine.

Disclaimer: This is just stuff I've heard. You should get much more informed opinions than mine on almost all subjects, but maybe especially this one.
You'll be scared poopless before you overfill pst104's. I have personnal fill those cylinder over 50% with no problems. When I worked in cave country I saw many sets with multiple re-hydro test stamps, on old 104's. The new versions a built like armored tanks compared to the old one's. I would not worry if they got fill over the rated pressure a little bit. Just stack your disks or get some solids to plug your valve. If you are not filling your own or in cave country, chances are you will not get fills over the rated pressure.

Just a note on the PST 104's. It's not uncommon for cavers and rec divers alike to overfill by as much as 500 to 600 PSI. It's a fact of life. :tree: Bob
Routinely fill mine to 3200-3500. Has been as high as 4000 before without death and destruction. Just got them hydroed with no problems.
4100 PSI in the PST 104's almost every day. The people in Cave Country claim to have never had a 104 fail hydro. This is a shop where 3800 is the standard fill and they fill a *lot* of bottles
My shop will fill their rental lp steel tanks to 3200. They will fill it higher if you have DIN, bring in your own tank, or are special, like me. I have had em filled up to 3800 before.

I once saw 4800 psi in a set! (I guess that saves time on hydro's huh?)

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