To support your LDS or purchase On Line here is my experience.

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I like Larry, I've bought a drysuit from him and he's always been great. But do be careful with the DR warranty, they exclude mail purchases. So at worst you'd have Larry have to deal with any potential problems....

Actually, DR honors all warranties form products purchased from us. It's just they have some rules about pricing... so if you look at my site, you will see a harness listed at some price... I can't discount it on the page below that... I can sell it for a buck if I so desire... just can't advertise below that... but they honor all warranties for all products I sell, because I follow their pricing rules for advertised price.
I have a few choices, a 4 mile LDS, a & mile LDS, and a 40 mile LDS. The closest one is owned by the famous Femme Nazi who really won't do you any favors, the next is owned by a guy that is in love with himself and has pictures around the shop of himself and will only sell you Suba Pro anything else by him he calls junk (and Scuba pro at retail price!). The last choice is the farthest drive, West Mich Dive Center. I used to go there often and buy but the last time I went on a trip I let him bid on the price because he asked if he could. His price was $800 more than I was paying from Trip-n-tour, he badgered me on why I didn't go with his price.......I haven't been back in two years even though he's the most normal of the three. If I need a fill, it's the Femme Nazi for me + any other small things or rental. I've looked at Scuba Toys a number of times but they haven't had what I have wanted yet. In the past I've been using Liesure Pro and was happy with what I received as well as the savings.

Dive Safe,
Also when buying a BC, particularly a plate and wing, fit is important, as is proper adjustment and rigging, sometimes hard to do over the phone.

My local store works pretty well for me and makes sure the fit, adjustment and my way of rigging it are right, which I think is very valuable.

I am in a dilemma with this right now. I orig. bought my jacket bc from my lds. I am now considering a bp and wings. I am pretty much set on buying the hammerhead II bp and their harness. Then, I figured I would see my dive shop for the wing. I was under the impression there really is not a size with respect to the plate and harness (as with the wing). I am just contemplating getting everything on my own because my lds gets a bit pissy if it all did not come from them, yet they are also not a dealer carrying the hammerhead. I also know I will pay alot more. Hammerhead scuba has the option of buying the plate pre-rigged so all I need is the wing itself. That is the route I am considering. What to do!

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