To purchase, or not to purchase...Cold Water Diving...

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Fairbanks, Alaska
Hello everybody! :D

I would first like to thank those that are about to read over this and possibly post a reply :)

Ok, well, here is my predicament. I love to dive (thats not the predicament), but I have decided that it is time for me to purchase my own set of gear in order to bypass the wonderful process of renting my gear. So, I know that many posts of this kind have been created but I ask for your help in discussing cold water diving gear. Perhaps if u know of any good deals or specails that are happening this moment. Ok, this is what, after hours of research, I have picked as my favorites.
-Aqualung Legend LX Supreme Regulator
-(dont know about octi, but would prefer a cold water capable one)
-Vyper computer (doesnt nesessarily have to be nitrox)
-Aqualung Balance BCD (looking for a back inflation BC, have looked into the Halcyon Pioneer wings but with it i would have to purchase two different lifts, one approx 28lbs and one 40-50lbs. Or the Apeks A WTX system (although I think it may be too, well, high tech for a recreational diver.)

Of course, money is always the limiting factor and I am always keeping an eye out for deals, Some of this gear is really expensive but I am willing to spend a decent amount of money for some gear that will last. Thank you very much everyone and I will respond to anyone if they ask any other questions. thanks again!


:14: <><><>Just keep Swimmin' just keep Swimmin'<><><>:14:
As I recently walked into my LDS and handed the salesguy my walet and said I want everything let me say..

I orginally bought most of my gear online on a very limited budget. I went with an Aeris BC (Atmos Sport i think) and a Mares reg/octo set. I used the gear for just over a year and wasn't very happy with it. The BC only had a single dump valve on the inflator and you could not dump unless you were in a feet down position. The reg was fine for most of my cold water/Monterey dives but as soon as I went to the caribean and did some deep dives I found it hard to breath at depth. So I sold this gear on ebay and went to my LDS and did as stated above.

I ended up with an all ScubaPro setup.

I got the MK25 1st stage with the s600 second, Knighthawk BCD (as I am a larger guy and don't like the squeeze of a jacket style) with air2 integrated. It wasn't as expensive as I feared or as cheap as I wanted but I got a kick ***** setup that I have been very happy with over 20 dives, some deep and cold in the northern CA waters.

Good Choices:

I have a Legend-Love it
I have a Balance BCD-Like it
As far as the dive Computer Sunnto makes good stuff. I have a Cobra-like it.

This stuff will do well.
If I had it to do all over again, I'd get an Apeks DS4 first stage, two ATX50 or TX50 second stages for primary and backup, a Vyper computer and a Halcyon 40# Eclipse wing with stainless steel plate (and that's basically what I did, only I got an ATX200 primary). The 40# Eclipse is almost overkill, but 10# extra lift is nice if you've got less than 100 dives and still do stupid weighting things. You don't really need a 28# wing and a 50# wing. 50# is way too much for a single wing for one thing. And there's not enough difference to justify both a 28# wing and a 40# wing -- either get the bigger one and deal with a little extra drag when you're in warmer water and need less lift, or get the smaller one if you're comfortable floating lower in the water when you're cold water diving...
Are you going to get a dry suit? The rest of your choices are good,but if you buy good stuff=rated good, you will be able to sell it for good $$ too!
As you dive you may change style and types of rigs 2 or 3 times, I am on my 4th do over!
If owned or bought my latest set of tec gear first, my wife would of tossed me!
My choices were all good equipment at good prices Build from a strong core!
and I sold most of my light used stuff for close to what I had in it,Not bad!
Good luck, and dive safe!
My regulator is a Dive Rite G2500 ICE and I love it. My dive buddy let me use his on a 135 foot dive in 37 degree water and I had to have one. They aren't as expensive as some of the other regs and you see tech divers using them.
Ber :lilbunny:

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