January is still cold front season and the possibility of cancellations. On Turneffe Atoll you can always find a leeward side due to the mangrove islands inside the lagoons. The West side is mostly slope and the NW, E, and S are all wall. Lighthouse Reef is also one of the better wall diving locations in Belize. We do most of our diving at Turneffe and the Barrier Reef East of our location gets protection from Turneffe to the East and the Drowned Cayes to the West making it the best location during cold front season. Belize City and the mainland are also less than half an hour and you can choose land based activities on a daily basis. Not certain if any offshore resort offers more than 3 dives daily but places I've worked before don't do more than 3 and a night dive is done as the 3rd dive of that specific day.
We're also on Facebook and on the cover of Dive Training Magazine.
We're also on Facebook and on the cover of Dive Training Magazine.