Titanium wetsuits versus neoprene wetties

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Brisbane, Australia
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50 - 99
Has anyone dived with or heard stories about those new titanium wetsuits? They are half the thickness of a normal neoprene wettie and weigh heaps less. I like the idea of the titanium one because they take up less room and weigh less for travelling, but I have not heard a great deal about them. If anyone has used them, what are their thoughts and how do they compare to a normal neporene suit?
umm maybe we are talking about different things, but my parkway t1 7mm wetsuit is supposedly "titanium" hence the t1, I didn't buy it for that, but its a very nice suit, but still 7mm and not lighter than anything else, great wetsuit, too bad the company dissolved, damn divorces.
Has anyone dived with or heard stories about those new titanium wetsuits? They are half the thickness of a normal neoprene wettie and weigh heaps less. I like the idea of the titanium one because they take up less room and weigh less for travelling, but I have not heard a great deal about them. If anyone has used them, what are their thoughts and how do they compare to a normal neporene suit?

The titanium thing is a great marketing idea designed by people who don't know jack about how wetsuits keep people warm. The body heat you loose due to conduction because of water flushing thourgh your suit makes the little it you might theoretically loose to radiation totally insignificant. The only thing the titanium is truly good for is driving up the price of the suit.

Titanium does nothing to help keep you warm. 5mm of "titanium" neoprene won't be any warmer than 5mm of "normal" neoprene.
Titanium does nothing to help keep you warm. 5mm of "titanium" neoprene won't be any warmer than 5mm of "normal" neoprene.

It will if you wear the chain mail undergarments and full hood with hinged visor. Plus you can take some lead off your belt.


Moose and jonnythan are exactly right. In chemistry 101 we learn that ti is a
conductor of heat. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way with a wetsuit. We have a disclaimer on our website stating just that.

Stay toasty warm in whatever suit you chose.

Actually, now that I think about it, some of the "titanium" or whatever suits have that slick inside layer (like Gold Core I think) that may make them a little easier to put on. No warmer though.
Actually, now that I think about it, some of the "titanium" or whatever suits have that slick inside layer (like Gold Core I think) that may make them a little easier to put on. No warmer though.

You're right again......the neoskin material or gold core material is much easier to get on because of the slick lining. It also dries almost instantly, so much warmer when you redon your suit. This material, when it comes in contact with your skin, "sticks" to your skin. The problem with this material is that because of the slick underside, it can only be single blind stitched, rather than the prefered double blind stitching. This can lead to problems with seam separation. This can be avoided by taking care when you are donning and doffing the suit.

Stay toasty warm,
titanium wetsuits=pure sales gimmick
The titanium lining does NOT decrease the thickness of the suit. I have a 3mm that is titanium lined.

What manufactures say is that the lining makes the suit easier to get into. Some say that the titanium reflects heat back into the body. IMO this is likely marketing hype.

What others say is that the titanium drys MUCH faster AND that it seals the suit so there is less water exchange. If that is the case, then there are a few reasons for getting a titanium lined suit.

The bottom line is that many suits now use this, and they are NOT any more expensive than ones that do not.

I have a 3mm titanium Superstreach suit. I have yet to dive it, so I can not really say for sure if it seems any warmer vs. a regular 3mm suit. I will say that the superstreach is much easier to get on/off.


Has anyone dived with or heard stories about those new titanium wetsuits? They are half the thickness of a normal neoprene wettie and weigh heaps less. I like the idea of the titanium one because they take up less room and weigh less for travelling, but I have not heard a great deal about them. If anyone has used them, what are their thoughts and how do they compare to a normal neporene suit?

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