How do I deal with the naysayers while still trying to glean information? It can get pretty depressing sometimes. I've just had to "re-calibrate my filters". In other words, unless you're just going to give up, you're going to have to slog through all the uninformed, negative responses to get to the rare pearls of wisdom. I wouldn't have been able to do it without changing my attitude about what gets me down, or makes me scream. And in fact, it can be fun sometimes.
Stories? Here's one: I had noticed that all the brass 'n glass SPGs seemed to be exactly the same except for the graphics, hinting that they may all be made in the same factory, so why pay more? I asked for the "cheapest" brand. One response was, "How much is your life worth?" Hilarious. I never did get any useful information about how or where they're made, or any possible difference besides the graphics.
My response to "you don't know what you don't know" is, "that's not a good reason to stop asking". Of course it does make it hard to know what to ask, doesn't it? People fear what they don't understand, and there's always been a difference between the kind of people who want to have faith in something and the kind of people who are more skeptical, curious, and analytical.
It gets hard, though, when you ask a question, and the first real answer is on page 12, after 87 responses telling you why you shouldn't be asking the question in the first place.