Self Reliant Diver--On All Dives.
I also believe that everyone should be paid a "fair" salary...
And who defines "fair"? What is "fair" to Trudeau will kill your economy. I like a tip based system because it creates an incentive to do a better job. Otherwise, we end up with a Soviet style economy where nobody gives a sheet about anything or anybody (except themselves). Being paid for merit is better than being paid for existence.
Let the market set the policy. I got a haircut (singular--I am almost completely bald). I gave a 25% tip. The barber always does a good job and remembers my face when I walk in. She does not ask what style of haircut I want, she knows. It is a lovely system.
When someone says it aint about the money, it always is, especially someone who advocates for fairness.
Easy come, easy go. Just give the wait person (or barber, and etc) a healthy tip so they can have a good day. It is a horrible job; be nice to them. I don't care what your culture is.