
How do you calculate a diving tip?

  • I dont tip! Its too expensive...

    Votes: 4 5.3%
  • A fixed percentage or amount of the total cost... ex.(5%, 10% or $20, $50)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • A fixed percentage or amount per day... ex.(10%, 15% or $30/day)

    Votes: 22 29.3%
  • Totally arbitrary... ex.(whatever I have left over)

    Votes: 24 32.0%

  • Total voters

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Hey everyone,

I was talking with a friend of mine about liveaboard diving and tipping in particular. We were discussing how people decide to tip on diving trips- being that diving is such an expensive activity, and there are usually quite a few other costs in order to just get to a vacation spot...

So, what's your opinion?
Looks like most people go with a fixed percentage or amount a day...

What kind of numbers do you usually go with?
i voted a fixed % per day, however i take into consideration the quality of service, friendliness, and the cost of living where i happen to be diving
I tend to do a fixed percentage of the trip, whether the trip is one day or multiple days.

Of course that percentage is on a sliding scale. Good service, I may go as high as 20%. Crappy service, as low as 0%. Average is somewhere in between.

I do also take into consideration what is also considered standard for the area.
I tend to do a fixed percentage of the trip, whether the trip is one day or multiple days.

Of course that percentage is on a sliding scale. Good service, I may go as high as 20%. Crappy service, as low as 0%. Average is somewhere in between.

I do also take into consideration what is also considered standard for the area.

I totally agree with this way of handling tips. You often have to look closely at price when doing an all inclusive. In some places the taxes can easily be 15% or more, then there are reef fees and fuel fees and fee fees. I'm not going to tip a % that includes those items. I weigh the level of service beyond normal heavily. I tend to discount a single event or sighting as luck in most cases. Overall, I hate the entire idea of tipping.
If I dive for just a day or so with an operation, I general tip by dive in that case taking the other factors into consideration.
I once tried to personally tip a DM in Fiji because he found my $800 dive computer (long story). We both ended up in tears because they just don't believe in personal tipping in Fiji.
Agree with ncchuck - tipping I hate but understand it's a cultural matter. What seems a must in America is not in Asia or Europe. The best if tip is officially incl. in the bill, so all parties are happy and don't feel offended. In Indonesia, at least in N-Sulawesi, tipping was not expected and DMs were more happy for good words or thanks, may-be a well-known brand's cap/T-shirt or similar to proudly show off the others. Money spoils the relations and good memories can end bad!
In Indonesia, at least in N-Sulawesi, tipping was not expected <snip> Money spoils the relations and good memories can end bad!

You're right that tipping shouldn't be expected, however if you think they deserve it most locals here will appreciate a tip - I don't think you need to worry that tipping will spoil the relations.
I usually tip based on number of dives made, or number of days stayed, taking into consideration the local cost of living and "standard" practise in that area.
But in reality I dislike this practise of tipping. I feel more comfortable if it is included in the bill, although others will argue that such a system will not encourage good service.
If there is no service charge I will tip an amount depending on how I thought the service etc was.

For LOB I will leave a tip but first enquire how it is divided up. Then it will as it should depend on the the quality of service etc provided. If it is good then somewhere around 15 Dollars per day - I do not believe in the 20% or 15% rules.

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