Tip to Owner/Operator too?

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Their rate of pay is less than half the US minimum wage - just a little more than $2 an hour. This is legal because the IRS assumes that the waiter/ess is going to make enough in tips to bring them up to the minimum wage, at least.

If a waiter/ess is consistently stiffed, he/she is taking home slave wages at this end of the shift.

DeepScuba once bubbled...

I realize waiters etc work for Min Wage, so rely on tips as income. Getting back to diving, is it the same for DM's and Captains???

Jerryg once bubbled...
I don't stiff anybody; as to what I can afford and what's appropriate, that's for me to decide.

Servers are paid below minimum wage and rely on tips to make up the difference. If the service is appropriate and you choose not to tip appropriately then you've stiffed them. "A rose by any other name"

I totally agree. I decide what's "appropriate", however, and it's not necessarily a flat by-rote 15%. As I said, I generally tip at a higher percentage in cheaper restaurants than in the more expensive places, because the baseline in a cheaper place is less, and the folks that work in those places are generally more in need.

I worked for several years in service jobs, and I know how it works. You take a job like that, and you take on some risk; some folks tip more than others; some (believe it or not) don't tip at all. A tip is not an entitlement.
ggunn once bubbled...
As I said, I generally tip at a higher percentage in cheaper restaurants than in the more expensive places, because the baseline in a cheaper place is less, and the folks that work in those places are generally more in need.
Same here Gordon. I also tend to "overtip" at inexpensive places. By the time she's topped off my coffee cup the 5th time, that waitress the served me breakfast at the inexpensive coffehouse, has provided a lot more service that the guy at the more expensive lunch place that just dropped the plates off and not much more.

Similarly, I tend to be extra generous with the boat crew tips when it's an off day and the boat is going out with a lower than normal number of passengers.
A good friend of mine learned from his father many years ago that when you are in a bar, you tip the waitress real good on the first drink, and you will get good service the rest of the night.

I agree with many here that you should tip for good service. When the dive boat driver or DM does a good job, and makes sure that I have a good time, I want to reward him. If they go above and beyond, then I want to reward them accordingly.

Some say that they tip to help the people get enough money. I tip for two reasons: 1) to reinforce the idea that good service will be rewarded and 2) to make sure that I get treated extra well in the future. Selfish? Sure! Unfair? No.

Does any of the above change if the DM or Captain is also making money on the front end? No. I still want him/her to know that we reward good service, and I want to be sure that I get treated better than everyone else in the future.

Just my dos pesos (gratuity included)


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