tingling hand - DCS?

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hi all - this is (unfortunately) my first post on the board. I did a 2 tank dive today in placencia, belize, both fairly deep multi-level dives (maxing out at 80 and 70 feet, with a 2 hour surface interval, and safety stops for both) - following divemaster's computer.

A few hours later I noticed a tingling in my left hand. That is the only symptom I have, but it has been "falling asleep" and getting pins and needles off and on for the last 12 hours (it is 2am here now)

The bad news (and yes I know what a HUGE mistake this was) -- I do not have DAN insurance and I don't have regular medical insurance either. I start a new job on monday and my medical coverage doesn't start until then.

I don't know what to do. Can I wait and see if the tingling goes away on its own or gets worse tomorrow? If the case is mild, might it get better on its own? Do I need to get medical attention immediately? Is there any chance I might be able to avoid going into a chamber? (the nearest is in san pedro belize which is NOT close) If not, does anyone know how much $$$ it costs?

I fly home to CA on Thursday, 48 hours after my last dive. If the tingling is still there, am I risking serious injury if I fly?

Thanks in advance for the advice - I'm kinda freaking out right now. :)
Ring DAN now. A phone call is cheap and I don't believe you have to be a member to ring them (? I might be wrong on that)

Have you done anything else to your arm that you can think off? Its sounds like reduced blood flow to me, but I am in no way shape or form a Medical Practitioner nor do I play one on TV.

Ring DAN
While waiting for the subject matter experts to join in, a possible word of hope:
As I understand it, the “off and on” part makes it less likely that it is DCS.
But as Azza said, definitely call DAN.
While waiting for the subject matter experts to join in, a possible word of hope:
As I understand it, the “off and on” part makes it less likely that it is DCS.
But as Azza said, definitely call DAN.

I thought this too until the hyperbaric chamber doctor treating me for DCS told me otherwise. On one occasion I had pins and needles in one hand and it turned out to be a pinched nerve. On the other occasion I had these symptoms, coming and going, in both hands and it was a hit.

Call DAN if you haven't done so already. Good luck.
Thanks everyone for the advice. Update. I called DAN. They basically said that there wasn't a "high" suspicion of DCS, but it could be. They said to get a local doctor's opinion. They also said that since it was almost 24 hours since the dive, my symptoms were not likely to get worse, AND that if I wanted to do the chamber in Ambergris (a 2 hour local plane trip), it wouldn't hurt to go tomorrow instead of today. (tomorrow is much better, my boyfriend and I are already scheduled to leave placencia and fly to belize city, only 15 min. from the chamber)

But THEN I spoke with the local doctor who works at the Ambergris hyperbaric chamber, and he said 1) that it sounded like DCS, 2) that I needed chamber treatment, and 3) that I should come TODAY not tomorrow.

The only symptom I have had is a continuous tingling in my pinky, ring finger, and down the palm of my left hand. Nothing else.

I'd like to wait today and see if the tingling goes away, and if not, I guess I will do the chamber tomorrow. DAN said waiting until tomorrow is fine, but the local doc warned against it. ?!?

Does anyone know if waiting until tomorrow will cause too much harm, since to me this seems like a mild case, and since it has already been 24 hrs since the dive??

thanks again.
Although it is in no way possible to diagnose over the internet, the distribution of your tingling is the area served by the ulnar nerve. The ulnar nerve runs around the back of the elbow, where it's quite exposed to pressure. This is why some people get numb hands if they lean on their elbows. Is it possible that your wetsuit was tight around your elbows, or that you've been spending a lot of time leaning on your left elbow?
Hi js:

I likewise suspect a pinched nerve from equipment rather that DCS.

Dr Deco
thanks for all the replies - so I ended up seeing a local doctor in Placencia, and he also thought it was a pinched nerve or some injury to the ulnar nerve. He prescribed some muscle relaxers, which helped, and I flew home safely. (phew!) The tingling has since gone away completely so everyone must have been right!

thanks again!
:happywave JS and welcome to SB

i was watching this and keeping quite to let the Docs give their advise - im glad youre ok

I did a slightly provocative dive profile on 17 Nov (20' deco), max depth 43.6m, dive time 57', on EAN29. This was my first proper, planned deco dive, rather than past hit-and-runs. Everyone had run-times planned, but I followed my Suunto D9 and Mosquito. D9 set to 2' deep stops, which obviously increased my Mosquito NDL, which I cleared before exiting.

4-5 hours later developed very mild tingling in left hand only, almost like a 2-day-old nettle sting. Has been on-and-off since, now mostly on. My dives before and since are at the foot.

Stupidly, despite being a DAN member, I haven't called them. Did however see a hyperbaric doctor, who did suspect a hit.

Is there anything that I can do now? Thanks much in advance.

Did two dives per day on 13th (4' deco; no deco), 14th (no deco) and 15th (6' deco; no deco), with one each on 16th and 17th (no deco). Then two 18th, one 19th, one 20th, two 21st, one 22nd (all no deco). One each on 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, two 30th, two 1st (all no deco). Two 3rd, two 4th, two 5th (all nitrox bottom mixes, deco on c.EAN80). Flew twice on 7 Dec, then two dives on 13th (trimix 10/21; then 6/27; both deco on EAN50), one 19th, one 20th, one 24th (all no deco).

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