@lowwall i see some logic in this..
First locally... let’s face it, either in Chicago or for me in northern Germany, people who dive are interested in the sport itself... so more likely to be thorough. Whereas in vacation like destination (FL Caribbean, SE Asia...) the average diver is more likely to be a tourist, interested in seeing cool stuff rather than the sport of scuba diving itself...
Last level, and I admit it’s based out of a prejudice... I would think that on US land or close to US land (FL, Caribbean...) you are more likely to get sued if your standards aren’t up to regulation rather than the big vacations destination in SE Asia.
Bottom line for the TLDR:
- Local cold=> motivated divers
- “US type” warm vacation => less motivated diver + legally motivated OP
- “SE Asia type” warm vacation => less motivated diver + less legally motivated OP
I understand the short comings of my reasoning, I know those are crude generalization that don’t apply “as is” in every location. I hope it doesn’t offend anybody I’m just trying to find a logic that might explain some experiences related here...
First locally... let’s face it, either in Chicago or for me in northern Germany, people who dive are interested in the sport itself... so more likely to be thorough. Whereas in vacation like destination (FL Caribbean, SE Asia...) the average diver is more likely to be a tourist, interested in seeing cool stuff rather than the sport of scuba diving itself...
Last level, and I admit it’s based out of a prejudice... I would think that on US land or close to US land (FL, Caribbean...) you are more likely to get sued if your standards aren’t up to regulation rather than the big vacations destination in SE Asia.
Bottom line for the TLDR:
- Local cold=> motivated divers
- “US type” warm vacation => less motivated diver + legally motivated OP
- “SE Asia type” warm vacation => less motivated diver + less legally motivated OP
I understand the short comings of my reasoning, I know those are crude generalization that don’t apply “as is” in every location. I hope it doesn’t offend anybody I’m just trying to find a logic that might explain some experiences related here...