I'm suggesting it's mindset rather than skills that is different between hemispheres. Maybe my perception is skewed because I've never dived a cattle boat locally, but in general, I think Westerners think of diving as something like driving. There are rules, but we are ultimately in control. They think of it as something like a zip-line tour or a guided whitewater raft trip, where they are participants but not in charge of anything. I've seen plenty of divers in the Caribbean with less than stellar skills, but never seen anything like the scene that is common in Thailand where the boat crew gears up the diver and leads them to the water, once in the divers follow the DM like baby ducks through the dive, then once they are on a line trailing from the boat, the DMs pull off fins, the boat crew hauls them onto the boat and to a seat and strips off the gear.
Could be I'm just bitter because my last liveaboard to the Similans never got to Richelieu Rocks as planned because the crew felt most of the divers couldn't handle what most of us would consider a fairly light swell.