As Doc's post stated and Bryan's post clarified, the solo diving forum is for those who have already decided to solo dive to ask about and discuss the training, equipment, techniques and procedures they choose to utilize while solo diving. As always, while it is OK to disagree, in this forum it is not OK to tell someone that s/he is stupid or unsafe for choosing to solo dive.
If you have come here to ask if solo diving is for you, then you are in the wrong forum. It is NOT for discussing the merits of solo diving or for telling people what to think about it. If you want to know if solo diving is right for you then it's better to ask this question in the Basic Scuba Discussions, New Divers or other appropriate forums.
Having this forum available, posting in this forum or admitting to diving solo in no way implies that, it's owner, advisors, moderators or members advocate or endorse the practice of solo diving. It is simply a forum where folks who have already chosen to solo dive may discuss the practice without fear of flaming by those who disagree that some or any divers should dive without a buddy.