Apparently they are quite prevalent in Indonesia. I used to subscribe to an Instagram channel that was trying to wean away the local fisherman population from hunting Tiger Sharks into dive tourism for a long time, but in the end got tired and distressed by the repeated scenes of the gruesome butchery day after day. Here’s a glimpse of a YouTube video by another vlogger if you care to watch :
I've seen video of this same market from Project Hiu, a shark conservation run by an Australian girl. Very good work from her.
This video here on the other hand, I was more offended by the twit who made the video, than the actual shark footage. Particularly the way he described the Indonesian people numerous times, was really offensive, ignorant and arrogant. The visual footage was actually not too bad.
I've got thick skin, but I lost count the amount of times, he said "****" and swore during the video,...very offensive & unprofessional. Also, he sensationalized the video like he was a biased mainstream media journalist, instead of a traveller, like he actually is.
And finally, the amount of times he used totally false and inaccurate facts, is beyond a joke.
It's funny, when young people from UK or western countries preach conservation, it's always "evil" China that's to blame for extinction. But in the 1800-1900's, the British in Africa killed almost 1 million rhino's, in India killed hundreds of thousands of tigers, in less than a century! the brink of extinction! But in modern times they'll blame everything on China, when it's mathematically proven that the British are substantially more responsible for mass deaths and extinctions of endangered animals,...add whales to that list also.