Thursday, Sept 23, 2004 - Weigh In

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Reaction score
Puerto Rico by way of Pennsyltucky
Looks like I'll go first. Down 1.6 pounds from last Thursday. Even with the extra "recovery" treats at the beginning of the week.

WTG, Frank! :thumb:
Hi guys... After being a 200+ high schooler, I managed to get down to 160 during college, but since graduating 4 years ago have slowly climbed my way back up to around 200. :( I've gotten in the habit of working out regularly, but food is still my big problem. I've re-committed myself to losing weight in the last few weeks, counting calories etc, so here's my first public weigh-in:

9/16 - 196
9/23 - 195 (-1)

Immediate goal: 180
Long-term goal: 150

Sucks that losing weight just goes so SLOWLY - it's so hard to stick to it when you don't see quick results. :( Good luck to all of us!
This is very depressing to me with all that is going on at my home with my Dad. I have now gained another 3 pounds, I am now getting worried about this weight creeping upward.

It seems that now matter what I am doing here with me, because of all I am doing for my Dad my weight is climbing.
I also, have been very depressed the last two weeks over all the different things. Because of his chemo, and radiation treatments he is starting to get some side effects, so they give him another medicine to take. It seems for every medicine he gets another type of problem pops up. Thank goodness they are giving him a break in treatments for about 3 weeks. At that time they will decide which way we will be going.

My doctor was very concerned about me the other day when I went in to weigh. I know it is time to turn things around.

I have only exercised for 2 days this week but atleast I am doing that. I plan to get in that day #3 though. I am also, trying to be much more careful about my eating. I have eliminated all the sweets, not even one bite since Sunday night of my sugar free ice cream.
I'm glad to see that you're still hanging in there Cindy. Sorry to hear that your father is having problems with the combinations of treatments and side effect medications. I know from going through that with my father and seeing some of my friends go through it, that it certainly isn't easy. It's good to eliminate the sweets, just don't start to starve yourself in order to lose weight. Depending on how you deal with stress, you may over eat or starve yourself (me, I'm an over eater). Pick good whole foods and eat what you need to support the exercising that you are doing. Even if it only helps you to keep your weight steady, it will help lift your spirits to be well fed, well exercised and well rested. I know that it's easier said than done sometimes though. Keep your chin up girl. We're all pulling for you.

Cindy - Just make sure you take care of yourself during all this. I know how hard it can be, been there, done that. This too shall pass, and things will seem brighter not too long from now....... As Frank says, we're pulling for you...

Was at work until midnite last nite so missed my swim workout and weigh in (that may be a good thing :^) ), will update as soon as I can get in there,,,,,,

And Anastasia, it does suck that things go so slowly, but keep doing the week to week update. I put it in my weigh in posts, and while it's only 1 or 2 pounds usually, or sometimes nothing, or sometimes up, the trend over the last 24 weeks or so has been loss, and shows how a lot of little losses can add up to a significant one (30# in my case so far)......

Patience (yeah right, sea me, if my wife read this......)


Cindy...So sorry to hear things are so rough on you and your Dad. I, too, have been there and it's hard. But as Frank and Chris both said, you really need to take care of yourself right now. I know that sounds selfish but you need all your strength and faculties in order to help your Dad, and yourself, deal with this.

Don't worry about losing weight right now. If you can just maintain, that's a huge accommplishment. Keeping the excercise schedule is a great place to start, your body needs it.

We're all here for you. PM me anytime, for anything
You really are dealing with so much right now, I'm so sorry! I agree with Dee, that if you are able to maintain your weight during a time of such intense stress, that you are way ahead of the game. Make that your goal for right now and a lot of pressure will come off you. Prayers and hope are sent your way.

As for me, I can't remember how much I had lost by last week, but now I've lost 8 lbs. in all. But I ate tex-mex last night, complete with chips/salsa and a great margarita (or two). I didn't weigh this morning cause I didn't want to be depressed by water weight gain. I've done good today (especially for a Sunday at home!), so hopefully I'm back on track.

Better late than never.... maybe. First time at the gym since last Tuesday, been working too hard, eating too bad (well, not that bad), and sleeping too much.

Up 1#, but in my current perspective, that's a non-event....

Week -Date -Loss/Gain Weight -Total loss
1. 4/8 0 274
2. 4/15 -4 270 4
3. 4/23 -1 269 5
4. 4/30 -3 266 8
5. 5/7 0 266 8
6. 5/16 -4 262 12
7. 5/22 0 262 12
8. 5/27 0 262 12
9. 6/3 -2 260 14
10. 6/10 -2 258 16
11. 6/17 0 258 16
12. 6/24 0 258 16
13. 7/1 -2 256 18
14. 7/8 +1 257 17
15. 7/15 +2 259 15
16. 7/22 -4 255 19 (38% of goal)
17. 7/29 -4 251, 23 (46% of goal)
18. 8/5 +2 253, 21
19. 8/12 -3 250, 24
20. 8/18 -2 248, 26
21. 8/26 +2, 250, 24
22. 9/2, -2, 248, 26
23. 9/9, -2, 246, 28 (56% of goal)
24. 9/16, -2, 244, 30
25. 9/26, +1, 245, 29

Sorry for yet another late post, i have hit the gym more and been out doing stuff, when the winds arent up of course ;) Still seem to be holding steady around 230-231#, no real gains or losses to speak of. Will keep trying and get to the gym more often as well as hopefully having more weekend time to dive ;)

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