NOAA has limited access to the wreck USS Monitor which sank off of Cape Hatteras. This raised a 5 year court battle in which NOAA lost to Gary Gentile. It was determined that NOAA has no right to enforce it's own laws or policies when it comes to shipwrecks. Our primary fear is NOAA trying to limit access to certain wrecks in the proposed preserve. An example would be the Keystone State or RG Coburn which were carrying respectable amounts of silver ore and gold. Because of the risk divers pose, NOAA might implement restrictions on the site. NOAA claims to use the policy "take picture, leave bubbles". In reality they take artifacts of high value, such as bells, whistles, compasses etc and confiscate them. NOAA also hasn't been friendly when it comes to the wrecks they found (that we ran across). Ex: schooner Red, Blue, and Yellow south of Alpena. So until NOAA can show the diving and wreck hunting community that they can work together instead of dominate it, I think it is best that the preserve stays where it is at currently.