Three wishes

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Youth is truely wasted on the young.

Having said that I could be happy with one wish.

1) To live my (200 year life span) ageing backwards.
So that I could carry knowledge and wisdom into youth.
So I could save the necessary funds to enjoy my youth.
So that I could take better advantage of scientific advancements as I get younger instead of being too late (or too old) to enjoy it.
So I could be about the same age as my kids (for a time) and enjoy their company sharing the same interests.
So I could spend my youth really carefree and not have to worry about school or classes, just free to travel and explore the world around me while I'm still young.
1) To age so slowly that I'm nearly immortal. Minimum a quarter normal speed.
That would be great, until you hit the apparent age of seventy or so, or developed alzheimers... Can you imaging how long you could linger? Perhaps eternal youth, or to stop aging?
James Goddard:
I'd stop at one wish:

All-powerful, without the knowledge and wisdom to use that power properly. Scary thought.
This is a hard one!

1. I, too wish to fly. I would fly to the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, first. Check out up close, and personal, the Creation of Adam... (my husband calls it the Pull my Finger picture ;) ). And the bronze doors of St. Peters Basilica. Then, I want to see penguins. Followed by glaciers and icebergs. Fly through the Grand Canyon. And more! But I would not be content to fly within our own atmosphere. I want to be able to roam the heavens, the outer limits, at will, flying, investigating, checking everything out that I've stared at or dreamed about. Do loop d' loops around Saturn's rings, wouldn't THAT be cool! Peer into the black hole, and eat a big chunk of moon cheese. ;)

2. I wish that God would kind of give me a clue to some questions that I have. That we ALL have. Maybe, have lunch with Himself. Questions like, who created YOU? Why belly buttons? How long did it take to think up DNA? Is it true that we would become light if we travel at the speed of light? Why do some children/adults have to suffer hunger or abuse? Tell me the truth about dinosaurs! Did O.J. do it? Was Dante' right? :06: And, a million more...

3. I would wish that my granddaughter had not been born (two years ago today) with a birth defect that only allowed her 4 short, sweet hours on this earth. I wish that I could have bought her that little skirt set I stared at in Old Navy this afternoon, after leaving the cemetery. I wish I could have made her mom mad at me for letting her have a popsicle before dinner. I wish she was wiping her sticky hands on my coffee table right now. (Sorry if it's a downer, but it would definately be one of my wishes). :ezpi_hear

This was fun, thanks for the topic.
1. to no be afraid to live life
2. to do things different with my kids
3. not to die peacefully in my sleep( then there would still be a funeral) The courage to tie a couple of porkchops around my neck and go white shark diving out of the cage. Oh, I want to rip roaring drunk at the same time.someboby might have to throw me off the boat to, if you all are around in 60 years I give ya a holler.
I'd wish for 20 more wishes then ask for
1 wisdom
2 health
3 to be just slighly more omnipotent than james stoddard
1) To be able to enjoy life with the ones I love
2) That my kids turn out to be good people
3) To have gills and no time or depth limits...but not have give up my life on land
1. fifty billion dollars

2. eternal youth for me

3. eternal youth for my wife
3. I would wish that my granddaughter had not been born (two years ago today) with a birth defect that only allowed her 4 short, sweet hours on this earth. I wish that I could have bought her that little skirt set I stared at in Old Navy this afternoon, after leaving the cemetery. I wish I could have made her mom mad at me for letting her have a popsicle before dinner. I wish she was wiping her sticky hands on my coffee table right now. (Sorry if it's a downer, but it would definately be one of my wishes). :ezpi_hear

if i had three wishes, i'd give you one so you could have this

i am so sorry
All-powerful, without the knowledge and wisdom to use that power properly. Scary thought.
Why? If I'm all powerfull I can certainly grant the k&w upon myself :p

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