Monoxycon (Mo-nox-ee-con) - Where Carbon Monoxide is concerned, Monoxycon is the solution. At levels up to 300 ppm, this media will convert "deadly" carbon monoxide to less harmful Carbon Dioxide. A brownish / black, granular substance which is a manganese dioxide based catalyst that oxidizes carbon monoxide in diving air to the more tolerable carbon dioxide. Use Hopcalite/Monoxycon whenever: (A) The quality of your intake air is metropolitan / industrial areas etc.; or (B) the compressor operating conditions are marginal causing it to run hot or pump for very extended periods.NOTE: Hopcalite is inactivated by moisture, so it must always be placed after the dessicant in the filtration train, but before the cargon.  Carbon Monoxide is not removed by activated carbon air filters.