Thread pulling

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Central Florida
Why is it that threads get pulled so suddenly around here? I am quite certain that the mods can delete individual posts in a thread without removing the whole thing, as I have seen it happen. Why should posts by a few get an otherwise good thread pulled?
I am with you on that one. Sometimes those threads have very useful details or ideas that are then pushed out into the ether. So once in a while things get a little heated and names are called, reputations questioned, protocols argued about. How about if they deleted the offensive posts/details and just shut the topic up after it descended into bad attitude? I know that is a lot of work, particularly for the few mods we have, but sometimes the debate, details etc are very beneficial - or at least i feel some debates are, up to a point.
Thinkaboutit... the mods are all un-paid volunteers. What used to be fun as a poster ends up becoming work... with the added carping of those who aren't doing the work.

Ever see where a poster is berating a moderator for being un-moderatorly in posting something they didn't like. If I tell you to park your whiny complaint in a place the sun don't shine you would no doubt come back with some thing like, "That's not the way I expect a moderator to behave." So I don't say that... instead I try to get you to thinkaboutit and reason along with me.

We don't like to pull threads. We don't like to pull posts either. Sometimes a thread gets so full of crap that it would take a long time to sort through it. So some poor overworked/underappreciated moderator pulls the whole thread back into moderator land and claims it for clean up. Then they work on it cleaning it up so it can be returned for your benefit and enjoyment. Then when it comes back you quit your gripping about that thread and with no thanks for all the work go off to find something else to whine about.

Sometimes however... in the midst of the clean up process a moderator's dog gets hit on the road in front of their house and they have to go scrape it off the pavement, comfort their kids, bury the dog and then take the family to the dog pound to get another one. By the time they get back they have forgotton all about cleaning up the thread or maybe they just don't care anymore.

There.... does that answer your question? :D
No, but thanks for trying. BTW, I really appreciate you mods. I don't always agree with every decision that ya'll make, but I understand that you are humans just (hopefully better than) like me.

I don't see the reasoning behind pulling a thread that had quite a bit of good discussion going on just because some members felt obligated to insert their political views into the mix. I wouldn't (and said so) have minded my posts to the thread getting pulled, as they were not relevant to the topic. I feel that a couple of members expressing their views in an inapropriate manner led to the rest of us losing a very worthwhile thread.
Uncle Pug:
Go back and re-read my post and see if you can figure out the reason why we don't always fulfill such desires. :D

I'm sorry about your dog, UP.....good ones are hard to find..
My sincere condolences on your dog, UP.

All the best, James

Voluntary or not, if you accept a job/position, you need to live up to the expectation and not hide behind "oh.. I'm just a volunteer".

Since it's a volunteer position and you feel so strongly about how its a pain, why do you continue to do it? Why not make you point by not working at it any more? I don't get it. You mods make such a stink about those who complain, but you are no better or worse as participants. Sometimes, mods come off as holyer-than-thou.
Maybe if I just once actually saw you guys say "OOps! My mistake - I'm wrong", I'd have more sympathy. As a long time sports official, I learned that if I don't carry my position around as a suit of armour and am willing to admit to those I am charged to call their game when I have made a mistake, then I gain more respect from them and they are willing to allow me the occassional goof.
Think about it and instead of replying, see if you can't get something good from it.
Since it's a volunteer position and you feel so strongly about how its a pain, why do you continue to do it? Why not make you point by not working at it any more? I don't get it.
I'm not a mod. I'm a supervisor... and I'm just sticking up for the mods. Actually I enjoy my role as the finger on the lever of existence. :D

BTW: Thanks folks for the condolences on my dog... but I don't have a dog... that was just for illustrative purposes.
UP, no disrespect intended.

Although I have a terrible memory, I THINK that the mod that posted the official "closed" post in the thread I refer to was also a participant in said thread. Seems to me that said mod wasn't just moderating on the fly, so to speak.

I even asked any moderators watching the (admittedly, high tension) thread to moderate my posts if necessary, but to leave the original post & all posts that related to it alone. I don't disagree with the need for moderation in the thread, just the amount of moderation that was used.

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