We have had issues in the past with port closing and getting us the notice. They called my house in Kansas and left a voice mail.
haha we were in florida once and drove all the way from the pompano area to islamorada in the keys only to find out they cancelled due to high seas. they had called our home number instead of the cell number and left a voice mail. i feel your pain. we were ore than a little upset.
Was the DM engaging in that screwy practice of sharing his air/octo with the biggest air hog in the group to extend everyone's bottom time? What if someone in close proximity to the DM has an emergency and needs that air and octo that the DM is letting Mr. Air Hog suck off of? There was a thread a while back in which an Aldora diver talked about how he was getting low on air so the DM had him sucking off his octo so the group could go through a swim through! Dumbest thing I've ever head of.
couldn't agree more. this is a common practice at some shops. i never thought this was a good idea either. i usually bring this up in class as a discussion point with new students.