The right Pony Bracket

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Reaction score
Rocky Hill, CT
# of dives
100 - 199
Hello all, my name is Adam. I am a new member of Scubaboard. I just got back into diving a few years ago (after a 20 year break) and now I'm starting to do some wreck diving again. I just bought a 30 cu ft pony and a Super Pony Tamer mount. Problem is that the brackets fall right where my BC buckle is and I can't change the placement of the buckle (Oceanic Probe BC). I can't seem to configure the Pony Tamer to mount on the left side and everything I've tried just won't work. Does anyone know where I might be able to find a Pony Bracket (I saw this once but don't remember where) that has a hanger style loop that goes over the main tank valve (and just hangs there) and then holds fast to the tank with a piece of surgical tubing with a quick release. I've seen this once before in a magazine or online, but I can't seem to remember where. Anyway, glad to meet you all. Hope to dive with some of you soon (Connecticut area).
Adam :06:
I have not seen a bracket using surgical tubing and a quick release but I am pretty sure I would not use one for a 30 cu ft pony if I did find one - it just would not be secure enough in my opinion.

Aqua Explorers makes a pony bracket that uses a adjustable strap to loop over the valve and provide a height adjustment. It then uses a standard 2" cam band to hold the pony to the tank. It is adjustable enough to adapt to almost any BC and secure enough that mounting the band higher or lower than normal on the pony is not a problem.
Thanks for the tip, I'll check it out.

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