The Reef: A brief history

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Stafford TX
This is what I was told over the years.....true? You decide.

The lake was origionaly developed as a sand pit. A lot of the dirt that was pulled out, before they hit sand, was used to build the original overpasses for Loop 610. I have personally seen maps of the construction roads at the bottom of the pit, before the construction crews hit and underground spring. The pit was once about 90 feet deep. When the spring was hit, the pit filled with water so rapidly, a lot of the heavy equipment was left where it was sitting. The project was abandoned, and the area, now a lake, instead of a pit, became a hangout for locals teens, bikers, partyers, lovers, skinny dippers, etc. There was no real supervision or control, just a pit in the middle of a field. Drugs and alcohol became a big part of visiting "The Pit" which drew attention to itself, due to several drownings. As I understand it, the actual owner of the property owns a gun/scuba shop in pasadea, and ended up leasing the property to Peter and Julie Shore. Pete began inviting scuba divers/classes out to take a plunge, and also started sinking some things for the divers to look at. I became a certified Scuba Diver in 1987, And I DO seem to remember Ben Sutton taking us out to a place called The Pit, and we looked at a sunken school bus, and I think a boat.

I would not actually meet Pete Shore until 9 years later. I had the summer off, and I thought it would be really cool to regain my Lifeguard status, and end my career at an open lake. I was pretty much too old to work anywhere else.....even though, at 32, I went ahead and took the course at Water World, and came out top of my class against the 18 year olds!! hahahahha!!

Pete hired me on at 3 times what WW was paying, and Well, it was not my last season, I had four --more than wonderful-- seasons as a Life Guard for The Reef, before going full time into Emergency Medical Services, and Becoming the EMS provider for the lake, with my own Ambulance, for 2 more seasons.

WHY Pete changed the name to "The Reef" he never told me. But I know He CRINGED every time he heard the name "The Pit". When I went to the pit back in 1987, I do not recall any buildings or anything, just a I am going to assume that Pete built it into what it is today. He told me stories about going to the Comal river and picking up truck loads of the fresh wate rkelp, and hauling butt out of there before they got caught! He really wanted to work on water clarity, including trying an aerator in the middle of the lake (which failed) and trying to stock with lots of fish. His Idea was Water + Oxygen = Water Clarity.

The sides of the lake were caving in.....the lake was settling. Pete tried dumping HUNDREDS of tires along the sides in an effort to solidify the edges, including allowing construction crews to dump thousands of pounds of discarded concrete, complete with rebarb sticking out, in his effort. Both major mistakes sorely regreted.

The lake silted in, and settled at about 40 ft deep. The aqua plants "borrowed" from the comal river took over most of the bottom of the lake. Pete began to sink more objects for divers to look at. He sunk a 40 ft cabin cruiser and several cars, and a few 17-20 foot ski boats. Ha always denied that there was a plane down there, and I never found one. I did a lot of the "Tagging" of the underwater stuff, with ropes and bouys. Then another mishap. The west wall along the volly ball courts began eroding. Pete went into action....but alsas, like A lot of the quick fixes...used cheap materials, and unskilled labor, built a retaining wall and filled it in. The water came up, and it worked GREAT.....until the off season where the water level drops 8-10 ft, and the wall had earth pushing on one side and air on the other.....creak, crack, more retaining wall, more garbage on the bottom of the lake :(

I sat there for almost 8 years total....watching Pete struggle with this lake, helping out where I could, devoting a LOT of time. I love that lake, and there is a lot of myself in it. I understand the new Owner's name is Nancy. I do hope to meet her some day soon. I would like to visit the lake again. I hope to see the lake reach it's full potential.

I was devestated when I learned that Pete had passed away by his own hand. For what ever reason (and I've heard a lot) the one thing I know is that Pete would have wanted to see the lake finally make a very positive impact on the community, and for someone to step in and make that happen.

Good luck to Nancy, and guys/gals help support the lake, it's a landmark and means a lot to a lot of people.


P.S. as far as the geese go,.... Pete would find the nests, make nests, take the eggs and incubate them, raise the babies in cages and exercise them in tubs till they were strong enough to hit the lake on thier own. I am afraid, that with out his interaction on this part of the lake's ecosystem.... the geese may not return, or be "replenished" unless someone can take over that labor.
I've heard basically that same story. We started diving at The Reef in '97. We did most of our specialty training out there and continued to dive there for several years, getting to know Pete quit well. It could have been a really great place to hang out but several things made us quit going there.

One was the swimmers and non-diving clientel it attracted. If you didn't get there early to get a spot, it would fill up with partying families with lots of kids. You couldn't use the floating docks because kids would take them over and not get out of the way. Having a kid jump on you trying to surface isn't fun. If you tried to use the beach area at the back corner, you still had to fight the kids and the geese to get out. The adults were too busy drinking beer and listening to loud music to keep an eye on their kids. If anything was said they got offensive and started trouble. My husband was in law enforcement at the time and had his fill with gangs on the job, dealing with them on his time off wasn't appealing.

Another was the water quality. Every time I got in it that last year, I got a rash that took medication to get rid of. The shallow areas smelled like a sewer. Maybe it was just so many people in the shallow water but it was nasty.

And those pet geese? While you were in the water they were leaving 'deposits' on anything you took a chance to leave on the ground. What the kids didn't haul off had to be scrubbed to be usable again.

I don't know who's running it now or if it's been sold.
Thinking about going to the reef...aka Tiki Lake...on Friday to see how it is. They had a booth at SeaSpace and they offer a "Divers Day" on is only $5 to dive, other days it is $10. Don't know if they offer air fills and such. I will give a full report after I dive on Friday. :wink:
I went by there a few days ago. They were cleaning up a lot of trash on the ground from the long holiday weekend. Yes, new operators have taken the place over. It currently appears to be in a state of disrepair. The compressor was stolen (so I was told) and they cannot provide air. The fee for diving is $10.00, 5.00 on Thursday, and DM's and above free with students. Viz appeared to be about 12-15 feet from the dock. Could see the bottom. I MIGHT consider diving the place once during the week sometime. I don't think I'd like it on a weekend. Even on the weekday I was there there was a parked car on the bank with the doors open and the trunk up with loud music blaring! No ducks or geese seen at all. The place does not resemble the photos in the handouts.

I went by there a few days ago. They were cleaning up a lot of trash on the ground from the long holiday weekend. Yes, new operators have taken the place over. It currently appears to be in a state of disrepair. The compressor was stolen (so I was told) and they cannot provide air. The fee for diving is $10.00,


The compressor was STOLEN? Someone would have to be REAL chincey to do that to julie. But ....I can see how it might happen, I went by a couple months after Pete died, and saw the place all grown up with weeds, part of the fence down, and some of the pedal water bikes and a kyak floating loose. I tried to call julie, but I guess she sold the house and has moved, I've lost touch for now.

Thinking about going to the reef...aka Tiki Lake...on Friday to see how it is. :wink:

Hey... I LOVE your Dive/EMS avatar! I am also an old school EMT, ran my own ambulance for a bit, fell back, rebuilding, working for someone else for a while. Is that avatar something you made, or is it a sanctioned symbol for Dive Medic?

I'd like to use it, if you dont mind, but even though I am a diver, and a medic, I know that being a "Dive Medic" is something greater, and dont want to misrepresent myself.

Lemme know.

I was told that Pete sold the compressor before he died to raise cash. Apparently he was deeply in debt before his death. I was only there once to buy air before TL had an air stand. Unless the situation is different where the place isnt full of people playing loud music and crowding the docks, I doubt I will go there.

It always amazes me that divers are expected to pay higher prices for entry into such facilities when everyone who enters uses the same facilities(docks,bathrooms). I like the policy of the Lagoon. If not diving or with a diver no getting in. Or CSSP, same price for everyone who gets in the water.
It always amazes me that divers are expected to pay higher prices for entry into such facilities when everyone who enters uses the same facilities(docks,bathrooms). I like the policy of the Lagoon. If not diving or with a diver no getting in. Or CSSP, same price for everyone who gets in the water.

I agree, Mark. In fact, divers use the facilities less considering how much time we spend in the water!
Hey... I LOVE your Dive/EMS avatar! I am also an old school EMT, ran my own ambulance for a bit, fell back, rebuilding, working for someone else for a while. Is that avatar something you made, or is it a sanctioned symbol for Dive Medic?

I'd like to use it, if you dont mind, but even though I am a diver, and a medic, I know that being a "Dive Medic" is something greater, and dont want to misrepresent myself.

Lemme know.


Cougar...feel free to use it, edit it, whatever. I designed it myself and just wanted something that kinda represented me...Texan, Diver, and Medic. In fact I may tweak it a little in a few weeks after I pass my state boards and become a RN. :D

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