The Pasley "Hurry Home" January '07 Dive Report Thread

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Top Reason Pasley should hurry home: E Ticket rides and diving at the same time, wooohooo

Location: Shaw's Cove
Time: 6:11pm descent
Temp: 58
Vis: 15-20 feet
Max Depth: 34 feet
Bottom Time: 82 mins
Buddies: Riguerin and KelpHelper

I've been promising to make it north to Rick's neck of the woods again for awhile and after having to pull a no show last Thurs when Rick drove all the way down here for a night dive at Scripps, I knew it was time for pay back. Shaw's Cove was pretty easy to find after I realized I had turned the wrong way and had left a VM for Rick that I couldn't find it. Silly Girl.

I was about an hour early which gave me time to eat and take a look around. The conditions looked incredible, there is no surf, well something was hitting the beach but I wouldn't call it surf. Nice calm surface conditions no wind, just incredible. After being joined by Rick and Debbie at the agreed time we geared up and headed out. We had a very nice plan, one of the swim throughs to the other side of the reef then around the outside of the reef to come back in.

As soon as we hit the entrance to the swimthrough Rick found the promised Hopkins Rose, while Debbie was taking a photo I found another sitting inside a muscle on the bottom. Tons of Urchins of course, very large Sea Stars, Garibaldi most of which were tucked away for the night. As we made our way along Rick found some honkin big Lobster and a Moray, then Debbie found a Moray, obviously they know how to find these guys. The surge got a little heavier and we went to plan B turned back the way we came and followed the reef out and back instead of around it.

Right after coming back out I floated over a little rock in the sand, there was a nice Lobster on the other side out in the open, yes I practiced my skills, and promptly handed the offering to my tour guide who apparently took the Lobster for a ride. A beautiful Scorpionfish was hanging on the side of the reef, lots of Coonstripe Shrimp or thats what I assume they are, snails in shells seemed to be mating last night, lots of Hermit Crabs, Blacksmith including a very cute baby napping inside an empty shell on the reef wall. There was a very large crevice Rick pointed out it was full of Shrimp. I have never seen that many in one spot before and later learned this is where you look for Moray's. Damn, would have taken a closer look, next time though. We hit our turn around and made our way back along the reef, just as we came to the opening of another swim through Rick was flashing his light, I looked in that direction and I could see the faint movement and shape of a Bat Ray, a large Bat Ray, it looked like it was swimming away. But, Rick didn't move and kept shining his light in that direction so I came along side shining my light as well and sure enough it came towards us, turned away, then came back out of the cloud it created in all its glory. It swam right under us close enough to touch. I've never gotten such a close and complete look at a Bat Ray.

Continuing to shore, Debbie went up in about 10 feet of water, we surfaced and having lots of air Rick and I decided to do one of the swim throughs that was right there, I had expressed a great desire to do one of them. So I followed Rick into the entrance, not too small, more than enough room to comfortably swim through. Then the surge, I watched Rick glide, or be swept, up and over a rock in front of me and then get swept back and over the next one, I thought, this is gonna be interesting. Over the next and then make the turn around the corner, and another corner, then out the other side back in the sand. Rick stopped for a minute, I looked with my are you okay look, he had a big grin on his face and gave me the That was Close signal, you know, wipe your brow with your hand. Too funny. What an E Ticket that was, I was laughing so hard my mask started to flood again. We stood up in 5 feet of water, still having 1200pds of air each but I was a little chilly so we walked ashore.

Starbucks for the only other thing I needed for the night and I was set. What an incredible night for diving with 2 great buddies. Rick, thanks so much for being my tour guide again. I'm coming back up soon, I want to do this dive during the day and when we can do all the swim throughs. Debbie thanks for joining us, it was a pleasure to see you again.


omg omg omg.....

January 25, 2007
Redondo Canyon Squid Dance Party
Down deep for a long time.
Ken (bestBestBEST buddy. In. The. World!!)
7PM, waxing half moon.


wow :D :D :D :D

Go see 'em.


omg omg omg.....

January 25, 2007
Redondo Canyon Squid Dance Party
Down deep for a long time.
Ken (bestBestBEST buddy. In. The. World!!)
7PM, waxing half moon.


wow :D :D :D :D

Go see 'em.


I'm sorting through a couple of hundred shots this morning / afternoon. I'll post a report and pics when I get finished. It was a pretty amazing night.

Sample pic below.


Location: La Jolla Shores
Time: 6:20am descent
Temp: 59
Vis: 25-30
Max Depth: 89 feet
Bottom Time: 48 mins
Buddies: Vetdiver and Divinman

Meeting in the main parking lot at 5:30am we quickly geared up, went over the dive plan with Allison as this was her first time diving here. Surf was a tiny 1ft set waves with little ankle slappers hitting the shore. Completely glass surface and just a hint of a light breeze. Clear skies with a few smattering of little clouds, perfect morning for diving.

We did a shorten surface swim this morning so as not to scare Allison away from our wonderful La Jolla diving, dropped in about 15 feet of water and made our way southwest. Saw a couple of Thornback Rays on the way out, tryed to show one to Allison and it flew away before she could see it. Came upon the Point and turned south to follow the contour.

Several female Sheephead have taken up residence in new holes in the new walls, and I noticed a lot of baby Rockfish this morning. Baby Sheephead, baby Ocean Whitefish, Kelp Fish, baby Kelp Bass, a couple of Sheep Head crabs were sort of entangled on the slope below the point, not sure what was going on but the larger one had the smaller one hooked with its back 2 legs over the other front legs, hmmmm.

I did my usual explore a little to the deep and as I went down a draw just off the point I saw a nice GSB in the distance, he swam across my path about 30-40 feet away, I had to do a few quick kicks to get a better look before he swam out to the abyss. Back up the slope and Terry and Allison were right where I left them, literally, right at the same frond of Kelp, seems Terry had found a plethora of Frondosis on a frond, they were all over as well as lots of little eggs.

We explored the point for a little longer before hitting our turn around time, cutting our time a little shorter than usual so Allison could get to a meeting this morning. Very nice leisurely swim back in, the vis is so incredible this morning, I always enjoy being able to swim back in with lots of room in a little wing formation. Stood up in 4 feet of water and everyone had bigs grins on their faces.

What an excellent first dive, I hope, for Allison. Couldn't have asked for nicer conditions to get her aquainted with the shores. So, Monday dawn patrol, right?

Date: 1/27/07
Dive Location: Vets (Daytime)
Buddy(ies): Jimmy & Cody
Time: 10:00 am.
Bottom Time: 56 min
Max Depth: 108 fsw
Vis: 15-20 feet
Wave height: 1-3 feet
Temp at depth: 57F
Surface Temp: 58F

I met up with Jimmy (The Bagman) and Cody at OML this morning. The incoming swell did not look to Kosher for a Cobble Beach entry so we decided to jam on down to Vets to see if it is diveable.

When we got there we saw one twosome getting ready (a very good sign). When we checked out the waves we saw that they were pretty small and that the entry would be a piece of cake. At that point Claudette pulls up and tells us about her WONDERFUL dive with Ken last night. Her story was way cool and I can’t wait to see the pictures from Ken.

We geared up, kicked out to the end of the pier and dropped down into decent vis. As we made our way into the canyon, there were tons of squid egg clusters all about. Each cluster had a guard that was either dead or dieing. The squid that were out today looked very lethargic. One thing I noticed that struck me as odd was the large number of Kellet’s Whelks having a field day munching away on the dead squid. I have never seen so many Kellet’s Whelks out and about as we saw today. I guess it was lunch time and the table was filled with copious amounts of dead squid to feed on.

Toward the end of the dive, Cody ran out of air so Jimmy and I took him to the surface so he can make his way back to the beach. We decided to go back out to around 30 or so feet and hand around for a while. It was good that we did this because we came across a baby horn shark. Below are some pictures from the dive and a video of the baby horn shark

Below are some highlights from the dive:












Link to Baby Horn Shark Video: Video/?action=view&current=P1260063.flv
Terry, Allison and I did a wonderful dive at the Shores today. The visibility was so nice, I took a lot of pictures that I thought would show that, so there were probably a lot more creatures out than I saw, simply because I was photographing the bigger picture. Since the visibility was the word of the day, I'll let this be an, ummm visual report!

Here's a link to the 2 page album. 01-27-07/

Here are sample photos;















Date: 1/27/07
Dive Location: Picnic Beach and Diver's Cove
Buddy(ies): Bruce3 and Elwood
Time: 12:07 and 13:31
Bottom Time: 44 min and 64 min
Max Depth: 35fsw and 27fsw
Vis: Dive 1: 30+, Dive 2: 30+ sometimes, 5-10 other times
Wave height: 1-2 ft
Temp at depth: 58F

Dive 1 was pretty uneventful. I had never been to Picnic Beach and wanted to give it a try. Decent enough reefs, but nothing super noteworthy. The reefs do rise dramatically in some places which makes for neat visuals, especially when the visibility is as good as it was today. We did head out to probably the outermost of the parallel reefs. Here the reef turns into open fissures and caves, and is quite cool. Of course, this particular reef is also lousy with huge lobsters that seem to know they're protected here. Everywhere we looked there were sizable bugs, seemingly laughing at us as they hung out in plain daytime sight. Jerks.

Dive 2 was planned as a swim over to the west reef at Diver's Cove and then a swim across the whole cove over to the inside rocks bordering the other end of Picnic Beach. We dropped and headed over towards the Diver's reef. I look over and see a large cloud of silt, and then another one. I think to myself, "shucks, probably missed some bat rays". And then it hits me: up ahead, probably 20-30 full-size adult bat rays are rising up out of the sand and taking off in all directions. It was one of the most amazing things I have ever witnessed in my life.

I usually feel lucky if I get to see one of these incredible creatures on a dive. Here, within 30 feet of me, were 2 to 3 dozen of them napping in the afternoon sun. The chaos of them swimming off was crazy. Viz that had been over 30 feet probably went down to 10 or less for a minute before all the sand settled. I think this was the single greatest moment of my diving career so far. Just...WOW.

The dive itself was pretty fun, with excellent visuals and beautiful streaming sunbeams everywhere. After a while we swam across to the other reef about 200 yards away (?) and hung out there for a while. I saw 2 Spanish shawl nudibranchs, which was quite surprising. I don't think I've seen but one other one in my 90+ dives in Orange County. I always like seeing them; I feel almost like they're little good luck charms. Sure enough, moments later we encountered a not-too-shy and pretty sizable octopus.

The tidal swing seemed to start messing up visibility, so we turned early and headed in with plenty of air left. Nevertheless, what an absolutely astonishing hour in the water. One of my most memorable yet.
Yea WoW is a good way to explain that experience, wish I was there.

Location: La Jolla Shores/North Wall
Time: 08:11
Temp: 58 F
Vis: 25-30
Max Depth: 70ft
Bottom Time: 51 minutes
Buddies: John A. and Allison

Conditions continue to be really really nice at the shores. I would be hard pressed to say I have seen better visibility at this site. Surf was 2-3 with some 4ft set waves. All made it out without incident or loss of gear. All made it back with out dive related injuries. What ensued between was some dang fine diving. Thanks John and Allison for coming out with me today.
















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