The ol' fatboy needs help

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I'll admit I havent read all the answers you'v got, so maibe it's already been said, but there you go- my way:

The most important thing is to be CALM and do everything SLOWLY. The quicker you work, and the more tenssed you get, the more air you buddy needs. You need to be heavy, anough to be neutraly bouyant with FULL lungs.

What you do in this situation is:
-feell your lungs completly.
-While in standing position- raise your hands towards the sky. this should push you down, becouse you are suposed to be neutrall with all of your body under the water.
-Keep your eyes open, or you'll get mixed.
-put on fins first, helps you managing yourself underwater.(20 secs)
-Wear your mask, clear it.(15 secs)
-put snorkel, start ascending towards the surface, and use the expension method to clear it before surfacing.(5 secs)

-now you'r suposed to be on the surface, fully equiped, and passing the test :)

P.S- 45 seconds should be more than enough for it. Just work slowly.

should take some practicing though.
for the tips. Will work on this as best I can. No pools nearby. The near by lake has such poor viz ie 122 inches with mask on that I fear trying the actual skill since I doubt I would find the equipment left on the bottom not to mention plowing face first into the muck at the bottom--now wouldn't that be a sight to see?!?
this skill was a bit different in 79 when I had to do something similar. The key is practice properly, and relaxation is borne from this practice.

I would start by perfecting the perfect head first surface dive as described earlier. The better this is done, the more energy saved.

Then practice by flooding and clearing a mask as many times as possible on one breath. I show this skill to my OW students and it's amazing how many you can do. I personally have seen OW students do it 11 times. DM's can do it 13-15, and my best is 16. This will do a couple things. Give you confidence you can do it; practice just how much air you REALLY need to clear a mask; show how long you really need to stay down.

Next, practice swimming U/W on breathhold dives. If you can get it, a book called "Blue Water Hunting" or some such has an excellent chapter on extending one breath dives.

And lastly, spend 20 minutes a day of quiet time visualizing yourself doing all these things slowly, calmly, and efficiently. It works.

Good luck!

I'll have to say-
No need for a head first surface dive!
Be a bit heavy, like I already mentioned, Slide slowly down, by lifting your hands above the water. No need to practice underwater swim for this one, as you will nt need it! 40 seconds, after some exercising, and it's done.

Now I am aware that it isn't the nicest technique, it dosent look to good, but it works. Be slow, calm, and a bit heavy. no surface-dives needed whatsoever.
suface dive is required and also required to be properly weighted for neutral bouyancy. I'm actually pretty good at the dive technique that has been mentioned in this thread and can get to depth pretty quickly. I'm up to 1 minute breath holding following advice given so far.

BTW the viz in my local lake is 12 inches not 122 inches(10 ft). Any thoughts on how I could practice in these conditions would also be appreciated. I don't mind the viz theres plenty of light but I would really hate to lose the mask and fins.

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