The natural progression of SB threads

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This thread is FULL OF WIN !!!

Thanks for the smiles.

I like how I take time to compose a decent response, based on my own personal experience, not "from a friend from a friend", and some Nit Pick quotes me on some little detail responding with a one-liner, with no details whatsoever !!!

Takes some pushing to get back a decent response, then it all degenerates... :nuke:
No... we are still waiting on Wormil.......


Paladin, you got it so right. Backplate and a horse collar with almost no lead.
There seems to be a natural progression of Scuba Board threads.

1. First someone posts a question.

2. Then, a few helpful people answer the question.

3. Then a couple of the people get into a disagreement about something.

4. The next 15 pages of posts are those 2 people discussing their disagreement.

The original poster got his or her question answered long ago.

I'm not criticizing, I just think it's kind of cute.

A man with balls. Like. ( ditch the bc, split fins and air II)

Ediit. I posted in the wrong thread, but the guy still as big ones. Considering.
I've been on many forums over the my experience there are very few threads worth reading past the third page unless they are exceptionally amusing...
Anything worth reading on SB is said the the first 50 post. This is post 60, so why are you reading this?

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