Well, as long as OGB is a publicly owned plot of land, the police, or anyone else, cannot force regular divers to leave or prevent their access to the beach or just about any divesite. They would be violating state law if they did. They can, of course, make things really difficult for us in various other ways, which they already do in many places. The resident permit process, while it exists in some other states for beach access, would likely go against state law here in Mass. I'm no lawyer, so I could be wrong about this, but that is my understanding. They could, however, impose the permit process on commercial access to the beach, something that dive classes ran by LDSs would probably fall under.
Someone I talked to recently made a suggestion - every time you spend money on Cape Ann, write "diver" on the bills. Maybe that way the locals will finally start to realize just how much $$ actually is spent by divers there. They might be surprised by what they see.
Someone I talked to recently made a suggestion - every time you spend money on Cape Ann, write "diver" on the bills. Maybe that way the locals will finally start to realize just how much $$ actually is spent by divers there. They might be surprised by what they see.