The Mares & Dacor HUB

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Thanks again Mike,
The shop near my home has it on sale and will let me take it in there pool when I'm certified. They also promised to let me have it for there sale price ($1K) even after the sale ends, becouse I wont buy with out trying and can't try until I'm cert. The $1k price is only a hundred higher than what I've been finding it for on the net. I think trying it in the dive shop's pool and there being a reputable dealer is worth the hunderd bucks (10%). But if they go up to the $1600 that other shops around here are asking, I would have to go the internet way. But then I wouldn't be able to try it first...

Eternity has begun,
What are you doing with yours?
Doesn't seem upgradable to me. If later on I want to change regs I don't think I can on the HUB.

I like the Backplate and harness Halcyon set up. Fit's more people and is easily upgraded. Can use singles or double's. Large or small BC air cell. Pick your own regulator.

Or, try a Dive Rite Transpac 2. If you want a regular style BC.

I just don't like the all in one. You get a lot of good stuff. But not great stuff. And when it comes time to upgrade you are stuck buying all new equipment again. Because none of the stuff on the hub can be changed out.

OH, don't just try the HUB. Try a couple of different BC's. And pick which YOU like best. If you only try one that's the only one you'll know anything about.
Ignoring the problems of the addition of literally dozens of failure points (distribution block, power deflator) hoses that are hidden so you can’t check them easily for leaking, hidden hardware that’s difficult to rinse off, difficulty of upgrading and yet another “standard” of octo placement plus all the disadvantages that are inherent with any jacket-type BC, the HUB is perfect.

Sorry, the HUB is my favorite whipping boy for a solution that is in a desperate search for a problem to solve.

Get a backplate, which is the very antithesis of a HUB. A backplate is simple, simple, simple.

Hey Dave,

I just read your other post in the "intro" section. I would hold off on the HUB since you are just about to be certified. In fact, I would hold off on buying ANY of the big gear until you've got a few open water dives under your belt. I was certified back in early 2000 and took about a year to buy my gear piece by piece. Although this might have been a slightly more expensive way to buy gear (shops often offer sizeable discounts if you buy a bunch of gear all at once), I think I made more informed purchase decisions.

My opinion on the HUB -- I have no direct experience with it, but it looks like a good example of overengineering to me. Streamlining is a good idea, which is one of the advantages that Mares/Dacor tout, but it also configures your gear in a particular fashion that doesn't allow for flexibility as your diving changes.

I think you could get a great reg/BC set-up for a similar or better price without buying the HUB.

Also note that Dacor & Mares have spent a ton of money developing this thing and now they are spending a ton of money to market and promote it. The diving industry is just like any other retail sales industry in that manufacturers provide financial incentives to retailers to push new models. I have no doubt this may be why your local retailer is pushing it. This doesn't have to be a bad thing -- you just need to have your eyes open when you walk into your local dive shop.......they will push the stuff that is right for them and that may not be the best choice for you.

Hope this helps -- good luck with your gear choices.
This is so strange. I have found some local people that have, use, and love the HUB. I can't find anyone that has (or had) it and hates it. But many, many seem to caution me against it for all valid reasons. No one has come forward on the few web boards that I have asked and said they own it. It makes me wonder if the "misery loves company" principle is why people around here are telling me its great.
Still hoping to hear from some one that owns one...

Thanks to all so far.


Eternity has begun,
what are you doing with yours?
One more example for you....

I decided a few months ago to convert my reg to a long hose set-up. I have a 7 foot primary hose, while my back-up/octo is on a shorter 26" hose that is held under my chin via a bungee necklace.

If I had chosen a HUB, this change would not have been possible.

I think I am a little extreme in the amount of obsessing I do over my gear config (my wife is always laughing at me as I walk around the house in my gear after making changes). But regardless, the HUB locks you into a given config unless you buy a new BC. Given how much my interests and gear preferences have changed in my first 18 months of diving, I would be wary of locking yourself in to one config.

One other point to consider is the type of diving that is being done by the folks you are talking to that own the HUB. This may have had an impact on why they chose the HUB system.

Just some more random thoughts -- most Mares and Dacor gear is well-made, so it's not like this stuff is going to kill you. In some ways I would compare it to an automatic vs. standard transmission car. I prefer standard since it gives me more control, better acceleration, engine braking, etc. Automatic transmission works fine, but I prefer making the decision to shift myself vs. relying on the car to do it for me.

I also don't want to offend your friends that own HUBs.....If it works for them -- more power to them.
I am sorry to say that I am another on of those guys that's not a fan of the Dacor HUB.

To be honest, I am not so opposed to the streamlined all-in-one concept of the HUB. What I am opposed to is the fact that the Dacor HUB is a Viper regulator + a Nautica AT BC with holes cut into it to make it more streamlined. I don't own one because I tried one on at the dive shop, and was not impressed by it especially considering the price ($1200 around where I live).

The Nautica is not a great BC. I know because I own one (and, wish I had chosen a different one). And just about everyone I've spoken to only has bad things to say about the Viper.

Moreover, if purchased separately, the Nautica AT BC + Viper reg + Viper octo can be had for around $750.00. I could not justify paying $450.00 more to get the regulator integrated into the BC ($450.00 would buy a lot of hose clips). Moreover, I don't even think the Nautica BC and Viper reg combo is worth the $750.00 it costs separate.

My $0.02.

But, if you are intent on getting a HUB and are comfortable paying $450.00 to get the regulator integrated into the BC, I would sugguest that you would look at the Mares HUBs instead because:
1) You would avoid having "hardcore" divers roll their eyes when they see you diving with Dacor equipment. Analogy: Mares - Banana Republic; Dacor - Old Navy ... same company but targets different budget demography.
2) Last time I checked, the Mares HUB came equipped with the V16+Orbiter regulator. The Mares V16+Orbiter is supposed to be a far superior regulator than the Dacor Viper.

The HUB is an interesting and innovative concept but it has not really gained any popularity. Analogy: calculator wristwatch.
I will chime in on the negative side also. If you are looking for streamlined, go with the bp/wings, the Hub is no more streamlined than any standard bc/rig that I can see. The hoses are tucked in, but that is not really a good thing when you cannot see them. As Roakey pointed out, massive amount of failure points, that airlock thing, whoops, there goes the tank! You may be able to switch out rental regs on it, but don't really see that as a big deal. I see the hub as a mass of problems waiting to happen. I always ask, was the innovation marketing driven or diver driven? I do not remember any bastion of divers demanding the hub, we clamor for better equipment at better prices. The hub does neither.

I always wonder if next years model will have an integrated scooter on the back! hahaha lol!!

You can give that one to the marketing folks for free...

I teach at a shop that sells the HUB. I despise the HUB. Yes, everyone that has one loves it, but they usually have little frame of reference for comparison.

1) I agree with Roak. It's a solution looking for a problem. I use my inflator about twice a dive. You've paid for a really nice technical innovation that has little practical value.

2) I love weight integration. The HUB does not have it.

3) The Dacor version requires the use of a Viper. The Viper is a piece of junk, fraught with shortcomings. I own a Viper octo. I plan on running over it with my truck as soon as I get a replacement.

4) I just plain prefer to get exactly want I want in each piece of gear. Choose the reg you want. Choose the BC you want. I have mix and match everything, but it's what I want.

It's a nice little gimmick, the newer the diver, the more they like it. But 'tis better to learn that you don't need many air adjustments to your BC and all you have to do to dump properly is to hold the dump valve above your BC, a common problem amongst new divers.

Save your money.
My eternity is secure, thank you for asking.

As for the "HUB" ... much too convoluted, complex and busy.

It truly is a "solution" to a problem that needs to be first
discovered. Assuming you chose to use a "standard" (ie. not BP/wing) BC you'ld be better off with separate pieces that
can be swapped out, etc. when/if needed.

Power DEFLATE? Yikes. Might I suggest the HUB have some
"elastomeric bungee-bondage-bands" ?

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