The lure of new equipment

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NE Washington
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100 - 199
From what I've seen on the board, it's not just me.... can anyone explain the scuba diver's fascination/obsession with getting new equipment?

Sure, as time passes equipment often gets safer and better, but that's certainly not always the motivation. For example, this morning, I found myself dreaming about getting a new wetsuit when the one(s) I have are perfectly functional. In fact, it's probably more suitable for my needs than a new one would be!

Is it just my perception, or are divers even more gung ho on getting the latest and greatest than most other sports? If so, why?
Sort of like computers, it's newer so it's got to be better and faster.
Forgetting the fact that all you're going to do is compose a letter or two . . .

. . . but I'm as guilty as the next.
I think it has something to do with new toys ... and for scuba divers, you can never have too many toys.

But the question has many analogies ...

For example, I could never understand why the woman in my life needs so many pairs of shoes. To my concern, you only need two pairs ...

... sneakers
... not sneakers

Everything else is just buying for the sake of adding to your toy collection ... :D

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Is it just my perception, or are divers even more gung ho on getting the latest and greatest than most other sports? If so, why?

I think there's definately something to that.

If I had to take a guess as to why, I'd say because diving puts a person so far outside their natural element that the right equipment can make or break your ability to perform even otherwise simple tasks like see, orient yourself, and breathe. Beyond that, even with proper training complex tasks like hunting, photography, going "indoors", travelling long distances (vertically or horizontally), communicating complex information, marking your position, collecting a souviner etc. can be largely dependant on having the equipment that will allow you to do so safely and easily. In a sense, the more you have, the more you can do.

In other equipment intensive sports like golf (which still has it's share of gizmos), you can breathe without assistance, move around without special propulsion footwear, see without providing airspace for your eyes, etc. As divers, we want the cool toys that'll let us do interesting things more effectively, but we add to that a need for cool toys that allow us to do essentially uninteresting things as well as possible too.
I think it has something to do with new toys ... and for scuba divers, you can never have too many toys.

But the question has many analogies ...

For example, I could never understand why the woman in my life needs so many pairs of shoes. To my concern, you only need two pairs ...

... sneakers
... not sneakers

Everything else is just buying for the sake of adding to your toy collection ... :D

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

hahahaha Touché, Bob!

But I think my motivations for needing more than two pairs of shoes are at least somewhat different for the reason I see that ad in the scuba mag (or see the equipment on someone) and start feeling like I have to have a new mask, new fins, new computer, new BC, new camera, new light, new knife, etc. etc. etc. Not that I've done it much--it would take too much explaining to the SO. But I WANT it!!!

Maybe it's not. Maybe the bottom line is greed. But that's such an ugly word. I'll think I'll go with MSilvia's explanation!
it's something dive related to do when you can't actually be diving...
I think it's the pursuit of perfection. We always seek the dive with triple digit vis.. Then we want to see as many critters as possible. Then it has to be warm and sunny during our SI. Then we have be served a refreshing beverage by (in my case one of Skaka Zulu's models would be just fine) someone hot looking. Etc...

We are no less demanding when it comes to our gear. Most of us are not content with what we already have. For some of us it's not to overcome our inadequacies so much as it is to know that we have the very best gear. We are also rather adept at finding reasons or excuses as to why we need this new item. We'll able to go further, deeper, safer, warmer... This new item will be like prozac for poor dives. I WILL FEEL MUCH BETTER ABOUT DIVING if I have it.

Case in point:
Less than six months ago I bought a 10W can light. It was so much more powerful than my light cannon. I thought I had reached the zenith of perfection until a few weeks ago. Uncle Pug got a 21 w and now I realize that my little 10W is just as inept as my light canon was. The list of excuses why I need it goes on and on. With each passing day I come up with some new reason. Reality though, is a unique mistress. I really don't need this new light. What I have suits my needs just fine! I don't need to spend the extra $$. Bottom line I'm sure I will buy one and I'll let you know how I justify it to myself when I do buy it.

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