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I have had a SB run in with Brandon, he is very full of himself. Hopefully now that he has been outted he will change his attitude.

To say that only crap companies advertise is really a stretch. Most if not all of the fortune 500 companies advertise. If you work in a field or have a base that is set and never have to advertise thats great, you have positioned yourself well. Advertising is a little more complicated than saying only bad companies do it.

On to the question I would be interested if a shop would offer 2 choices to their students.

Choice A- Highly recommended instructor in a course that is 4 times as long but more expensive. Knowing pricing varies for lots of reasons lets say complete cost $2000

Choice B- New instructor, standard length course now1 weekend confined, 1 weekend open water but cost $1000.

Pricing will vary and may be of greater difference but hope you all get the idea.

I wonder what the free market would make of this? I think there would be some that would want the longer course but the majority would want the shorter cheaper one.

Perhaps the easiest way to sell it successfully would be to show prospective students a video of what a "typical" student is likely to look like in the water by the end of each course.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
brendon has flew off the handle long ago with many members, brendon even picked up the internet tough guy slogan from members.

And Brendon has threaten me and why are you protecting him you posted and called him out about your happy meal divers filled his boat.

It makes no difference brendon has attitude and thats fine, of course there is no way he is a good instructor, Wpb go look at his post.
I guess Brendon could always come on here and just post his real name and solve the mystery but I suspect Boulderjohn is spot on.
He could come on here and be civil and few would really care what is real name is.
Brendon is not his real name, merely a stage name... He has been teaching since 1996. Boulderjohn, sorry but you just lost the house on that bet. Voodoogasman, it was your consistent lie spreading based on ignorant facts that caused Brendon to fly off the handle. He never threatend you, you are a liar and a drama queen. The dive shop of the future will most likely look like a "Scuba Vending Machine..."
So he gets upset with someone on the internet and starts swearing like a foul mouth drunken sailor?
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