Well Friends, I think for this year I'm hanging up the Drysuit. This year for me has been a really great year. I have been able to meet some great people Through Scubaboard to dive with. So to finish out this year I will list some of the places I dove this year and I want to hear the places you dove this year. Maybe give me some ideas for when I take the Drysuit off the hanger for next year..
Gilboa 2x
Whitstar 1x
Port sanilac 2x
wrecks I dove in port sanilac this year
Regina 2x
Northstar 2x
MaryAlice B. 1x
Thunder Bay preserve
Wrecks I dove in Thunder Bay
E.B. Allen
Grecian- Stern
Oscar T Flint.
Plus a few local lake dives
I wanted to get in more, but all in all a great dive season, and great posse I hang with, made it a really good dive season for me
Be Safe and see you in the water next spring. Unless I take a warm weather water trip sometime this winter
so tell me where you dove this year.