"The Breadalbane Adventure" by Dr Joe MacInnis.
Optimum Publishing International Inc. Canada 1982. ISBN: 0-88890-159-3
HC 171pg's with BW Photos.
Another book by Canadian diver and Doctor Joe MacInnis. This book details the efforts between 1970-1980 and three expeditions to locate and photograph the supply ship Breadalbane sunk in 1853. The Breadalbane was part of the search efforts to find the doomed Franklin expedition and was crushed by ice in the high arctic near Beechey Island.
Written in plain language and easy to read, the book deals mainly with the background of organizing the expeditions and the research involved. Most of the diving was done via ROV and a new technology called "side scan sonar". A good background read for those interested in the developments in the 1970's regarding deep/ROV/Arctic diving.
Link to another review of a Joe MacInnis book "Underwater Man": http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/book-media-reviews/315316-underwater-man-dr-joe-macinnis.html#post4940407
Optimum Publishing International Inc. Canada 1982. ISBN: 0-88890-159-3
HC 171pg's with BW Photos.

Another book by Canadian diver and Doctor Joe MacInnis. This book details the efforts between 1970-1980 and three expeditions to locate and photograph the supply ship Breadalbane sunk in 1853. The Breadalbane was part of the search efforts to find the doomed Franklin expedition and was crushed by ice in the high arctic near Beechey Island.
Written in plain language and easy to read, the book deals mainly with the background of organizing the expeditions and the research involved. Most of the diving was done via ROV and a new technology called "side scan sonar". A good background read for those interested in the developments in the 1970's regarding deep/ROV/Arctic diving.
Link to another review of a Joe MacInnis book "Underwater Man": http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/book-media-reviews/315316-underwater-man-dr-joe-macinnis.html#post4940407