The Board is so slow it's virtually unusable

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Reaction score
Palm Harbor, FL
# of dives
500 - 999
I know you guys are working hard, but what ever you're doing it's not working.

The board is so slow it's virtually unusable. About half the time it take 15 seconds or more just to display a page. The other half it just hangs and never comes back. I'm not having these issues on any other site.

What's going on? I love scubaboard but, this slow performance has got to get solved.
We are replacing the web server this week. ScubaBoard is growing faster than we can keep up with the server itself. We should be on our new system with 2 web servers (within the next few weeks) and our database server which will improve performance.

While your feedback is appreciated, we're not oblivious to the problems, and have been working on solutions. The board has been up and stable for several months, which is a major improvement.

While there haven't been too many problems lately... we have experienced a few hiccups in the last day.

If anyone has better suggestions on how to fix things, we'd love to hear from you, feel free to PM me.
Thanks, Howard for the explanation.

The first time I clicked on this thread from my search results, the page never loaded after several minutes. The second time I clicked, it didn't load and I was able to go clean up my kitchen, put the leftovers away and wash my dishes before I came back to find... the page still hadn't loaded! The third time was "the charm" as it loaded in under a minute.
While your feedback is appreciated, we're not oblivious to the problems, and have been working on solutions. The board has been up and stable for several months, which is a major improvement.

My appologies Howard if my post came off too harshly. I just get cranky when I don't get my Scubaboard fix. Keep up the good work and hopefully you guys can get out in front of the increasing demand.
I clicked on new posts and it just hung for about 5 minutes, I checked out some other sites, came back and it took about a minute to load. Opening threads from the new post is really slow.
ScubaBoard has been growing and could do even better.

Raise the price of ads (make sure they shuffle enough to call attention to them), sell more ads, then buy a t-line.
My appologies Howard if my post came off too harshly. I just get cranky when I don't get my Scubaboard fix. Keep up the good work and hopefully you guys can get out in front of the increasing demand.

We have been working on the problems, and I'm sorry if I am cranky about it too.

Things were mostly great until the malicious attack on our server a few weeks ago. While we didn't lose any data, we did suffer some damage to the web server. While it still functions normally, there are some bugs remaining. This additional server which should be ready for us to use shortly will hopefully solve a lot of these problems.

Adding an additional web server to the mix will balance the load on the web server which is frequently serving up more than 500 users at a time. ScubaBoard currently runs with a separate web server and database server. This configuration is much improved from where SB was only a year ago, when crashes were a daily occurrence. Again... thanks for your concerns, but I assure you that for NetDoc, El Orans, myself, and the rest of our support team, that keeping SB online is priority #1. :D
We have been working on the problems, and I'm sorry if I am cranky about it too.

Things were mostly great until the malicious attack on our server a few weeks ago. While we didn't lose any data, we did suffer some damage to the web server. While it still functions normally, there are some bugs remaining. This additional server which should be ready for us to use shortly will hopefully solve a lot of these problems.

Adding an additional web server to the mix will balance the load on the web server which is frequently serving up more than 500 users at a time. ScubaBoard currently runs with a separate web server and database server. This configuration is much improved from where SB was only a year ago, when crashes were a daily occurrence. Again... thanks for your concerns, but I assure you that for NetDoc, El Orans, myself, and the rest of our support team, that keeping SB online is priority #1. :D

I've always felt that the board was just fine, but that the support team was unstable.
Thanks Kev :rofl3:
ScubaBoard has been growing and could do even better.

Raise the price of ads (make sure they shuffle enough to call attention to them), sell more ads, then buy a t-line.

There you go, why didn't you guys think of that?

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