Thanks Whites

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Reaction score
central coast california
# of dives
100 - 199
I just wanted to take a second to say thanks to Whites. I had the opportunity to take advantage of the demo day in Cayucos California and try out the Fusion. The Whites rep was great and so was the Fusion. From what I can tell Whites is a first class company.
Hi There,

Thanks for the feedback on the Whites demo! I was the rep who was there and it's nice to hear that people had a good time!


Justin Balaski
Regional Sales Manager
Whites Manufacturing Ltd.
I was there two and so impressed I ordered one. It's supposed to arrive tomorrow. I am hoping I will be able to use it while kayak diving. Do you know if anybody does?
I was there two and so impressed I ordered one. It's supposed to arrive tomorrow. I am hoping I will be able to use it while kayak diving. Do you know if anybody does?

I don't know any kayak divers, but I can't see any reason why you couldn't. There are no range of motion issues, you need less weight, and you wont be as waterlogged when getting back in your kayak. I would try asking in the basic scuba forum. I wouldn't be at all suprised if you get an answer from somebody that has/is diving a Fusion from a kayak.
Hi There,

I don't personally know anyone who dives off a kayak although, I think it sounds like it could be fun!

If I were to go kayak diving I would definitly want to do it with the Fusion. The Fusions range of motion and mobility really make it the ideal suit to kayak in. Also, because of the self entry zipper you can have the suit in "stand by mode" by un zipping the top which will help you keep cool.

Keep us posted on how it works out for you.


Justin Balaski
Whites Manufacturing

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