Thank you Whites Mfg

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Reaction score
st. charles, mo
# of dives
50 - 99
For the second year in row Whites attended the Bonne Terre Mine treasure hunt and donated another one of their great products. Last year they donated a Fusion drysuit, which I won, and this year they donated a MK2 undergarment, which I also won. They were there all day letting divers try on their suits and answering questions. I wanted to say thank you for taking the time to particpate in this event and for keeping me dry and warm.
Anyone else read this and immediately think- FIXED?


Just kidding- good job Whites!
Ha, ha,
Perhaps there are some horse shoes where the sun don't shine, Pffile you should purchase a lotto TICKET ASAP or stay out of the RAIN......ha ha lighting is about to strike !
I'm taking my Fusion and my new MK2 to Lake Norfork this weekend. I'll be warm and dry in Arkansas.

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